123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- <!DOCTYPE html>
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- <html lang="{{$language_code}}" {{ if in site.Data.i18n.rtl.rtl $language_code }}dir="rtl"{{end}}>
- {{ partial "site_head" . }}
- {{ $show_navbar := ((site.Params.header.navbar.enable | default true) | and (ne .Params.header.navbar.enable false)) | or .Params.header.navbar.enable }}
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- {{/* Initialise Wowchemy. */}}
- {{ $js_license := printf "/*! Wowchemy v%s | https://wowchemy.com/ */\n" site.Data.wowchemy.version }}
- {{ $js_license := $js_license | printf "%s/*! Copyright 2016-present George Cushen (https://georgecushen.com/) */\n" }}
- {{ $js_license := $js_license | printf "%s/*! License: https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes/blob/main/LICENSE.md */\n" }}
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- {{- end -}}
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- {{ partial "search" . }}
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- {{ partial "navbar" . }}
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- <div class="page-body">
- {{/* Breadcrumb */}}
- {{/* Don't apply to Book layout as that has different breadcrumb placement. */}}
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- {{ $class := cond .IsSection "universal-wrapper" "article-container" }}
- <div class="{{$class}} py-1" style="background: initial">
- {{ partial "components/breadcrumb" . }}
- </div>
- {{ end }}
- {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
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- <div class="page-footer">
- {{/* Docs and Updates layouts include the site footer in a different location. */}}
- {{ if not (in (slice "book" "docs" "updates") .Type) }}
- <div class="container">
- {{ partial "site_footer" . }}
- </div>
- {{ end }}
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- {{ partial "site_js" . }}
- </body>
- </html>