A simple wrapper of "jieba" and "wordcloud" in Python 3.

Xi Ruoyao 9782391717 Output the statistics for .csv output 6 роки тому
.gitignore e8f3041ad2 Add .gitignore 6 роки тому
README.md 1c97ae5606 Update README.md to keep using SC font 6 роки тому
example.in 04a6c9fa1a Initial commit 6 роки тому
pos.txt c320792de3 Add Part of Speech table 6 роки тому
wordfreq.py 9782391717 Output the statistics for .csv output 6 роки тому


Wordfreq script


  • Python 3
  • Python 3 modules: wordcloud, PIL, matplotlib, numpy, and jieba
  • The TTF/OTF file of the font you want to use


wget https://bf.mengyan1223.wang/assets/fonts/{SourceHanSans.ttc,ttc2ttf.py}
python3 ttc2ttf.py SourceHanSans.ttc
./wordfreq.py -i example.in -o example.png -p n,ne -f SourceHanSans11.ttf -t 60

You should use Source Han Sans font under the terms of SIL Open Font License 1.1.

Parts of speech

See pos.txt, origin gist by hscspring.


And, special thanks to Lao She who authors example.in (Mr. Breeches, 1933).