#!/bin/bash set -e -o pipefail echo "Checking installed Java" java -version TESTS_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd) export TESTS_DIR="$TESTS_DIR" export RED='\033[0;31m' export CYAN='\033[1;36m' export BLUE='\033[1;34m' export YELLOW='\033[1;33m' export GREEN='\033[1;32m' export NC='\033[0m' ARGS_CPP="" ARGS_VALID_CPP_STANDARDS=",11,14,17,20,23," ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS="," ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS="," ARGS_TESTS="," ARGS_CPP_BITS="" MSVC_INCLUDE_YEAR="2022" WINKIT_INCLUDE_VERSION="10.0.19041.0" for arg in "$@"; do if [[ "$arg" == test-* ]]; then ARGS_TESTS="${ARGS_TESTS}${arg}," continue fi if [[ "$arg" == "32" || "$arg" == "64" ]]; then if [[ -n "$ARGS_CPP_BITS" ]]; then echo Expected at most one bits-argument: 32 or 64 exit 1 fi ARGS_CPP_BITS="$arg" continue fi if [[ "$ARGS_VALID_CPP_STANDARDS" == *,$arg,* ]]; then ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS="$ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS$arg," else if [[ "$arg" == v* ]]; then ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS="$ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS${arg:1}," else if [[ -n "$ARGS_CPP" ]]; then echo Expected just one non-version argument: g++, clang++ or msvc, but found "$ARGS_CPP" and "$arg" exit 1 fi if [[ ! "$arg" == "g++" && ! "$arg" == "clang++" && ! "$arg" == "msvc" ]]; then echo Expected just one non-version argument: g++, clang++ or msvc, but "$arg" found exit 1 fi ARGS_CPP="$arg" fi fi done if [[ ! "$ARGS_TESTS" == "," ]]; then echo [INFO] Filter tests: ${ARGS_TESTS:1:${#ARGS_TESTS}-2} fi if [[ ! "$ARGS_CPP" == "" ]]; then echo [INFO] Filter CPP: "$ARGS_CPP" fi if [[ ! "$ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS" == "," ]]; then echo [INFO] Filter standards: ${ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS:1:${#ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS}-2} fi if [[ ! "$ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS" == "," ]]; then echo [INFO] Filter versions: ${ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS:1:${#ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS}-2} fi if [[ ! "$ARGS_CPP_BITS" == "" ]]; then echo [INFO] Filter target arch.: "$ARGS_CPP_BITS" fi COMPILERS=('clang++' 'g++') if [[ ! "$ARGS_CPP" == "" ]]; then if [[ "$ARGS_CPP" == "msvc" ]]; then COMPILERS=() else COMPILERS=("$ARGS_CPP") fi fi echo "" echo GNU-like compilers: printf ' %s\n' "${COMPILERS[@]}" CPP_STANDARDS=() MSVC_CPP_STANDARDS=() for v in 11 14 17 20 23; do if [[ "$ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS" == "," || "$ARGS_CPP_STANDARDS" == *,$v,* ]]; then CPP_STANDARDS+=("--std=c++$v") MSVC_CPP_STANDARDS+=("-std:c++$v") fi done echo "" echo Standards: printf ' %s\n' "${CPP_STANDARDS[@]}" uname_output="$(uname -s)" case "${uname_output}" in Linux*) machine=Linux ;; Darwin*) machine=Mac ;; CYGWIN*) machine=Windows ;; MINGW*) machine=Windows ;; MSYS*) machine=Windows ;; *) echo "Unknown system '${uname_output}'" && exit 1 ;; esac export MACHINE="$machine" #if [[ "$machine" == "Windows" && ("$ARGS_CPP" == "" || "$ARGS_CPP" == "clang++") ]]; then # for f in msvc-${MSVC_INCLUDE_YEAR}-include windows-kit-${WINKIT_INCLUDE_VERSION}-include; do # rm -rf "${TESTS_DIR:?}"/lib/$f && mkdir -p "$TESTS_DIR"/lib/$f # 7z x -o"${TESTS_DIR:?}"/lib/$f "$TESTS_DIR"/lib/$f.7z # done #fi run_tests() { export INVOCATION_ID=$RANDOM export CPP="$1" export CPP_STANDARD="$2" echo -e Running tests \("${CYAN}""$CPP"@"$CPP_STANDARD""${NC}"\) echo "" for test_dir in "$TESTS_DIR"/*/; do test=$(basename "$test_dir") if [[ $test == test-* ]]; then if [[ "$ARGS_TESTS" == "," || "$ARGS_TESTS" == *,$test,* ]]; then echo -e Running "${BLUE}${test}${NC}" \("$CPP"@"$CPP_STANDARD"\) export TEST_DIR="$test_dir" export CPP_INCLUDE_DIR=${TESTS_DIR}/.. export CPP_OPTS="" if [[ -n "$ARGS_CPP_BITS" ]]; then export CPP_OPTS="-m$ARGS_CPP_BITS" fi pushd "$test_dir" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 bash "${test_dir}run.sh" echo -e Done "${BLUE}$test${NC}" \("${CYAN}""$CPP"@"$CPP_STANDARD""${NC}"\) echo "" popd 1>&2 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi done rm -rf "$TESTS_DIR"/tester-lcmp echo -e Done all tests \("${CYAN}""$CPP"@"$CPP_STANDARD""${NC}"\) echo "" } VALGRIND="" valgrind_output=$(valgrind 2>&1 || true) if [[ $valgrind_output == *"--help"* ]]; then VALGRIND="valgrind -q" echo Valgrind mode is ON else echo Valgrind mode is OFF fi export VALGRIND="$VALGRIND" done="" if [[ "$machine" == "Windows" && ("$ARGS_CPP" == "" || "$ARGS_CPP" == "msvc") ]]; then VS_RELEASES=("Professional" "Enterprise" "Community") PROGRAM_FILES=("${PROGRAMFILES}" "${PROGRAMFILES} (x86)") for vs_release in "${VS_RELEASES[@]}"; do for program_files in "${PROGRAM_FILES[@]}"; do for ((version = 2000; version <= 2100; version++)); do vs_dir="$program_files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\$version\\$vs_release\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build" if [[ -d $vs_dir ]]; then for bits in 32 64; do vcvars_bat_file="$vs_dir\\vcvars$bits.bat" if [[ -f $vcvars_bat_file ]]; then echo "Compiler Visual Studio $version ($vs_release-$bits) has been found" echo call \""$vcvars_bat_file"\" >do-vcvars.bat echo "bash -c export > vcvars.env" >>do-vcvars.bat python file-runner.py do-vcvars.bat grep -v -E "(\(.*=)|(\!.*=)|([A-Z]\-[A-Z].*=)" vcvars_filtered.env source vcvars_filtered.env rm -f do-vcvars.bat vcvars.env vcvars_filtered.env for cpp_standard in "${MSVC_CPP_STANDARDS[@]}"; do touch empty_file.cpp cpp_output=$(cl.exe "$cpp_standard" empty_file.cpp 2>&1 || true) rm -f empty_file.* if [[ ! $cpp_output == *"unknown"* ]]; then echo Testing msvc-"$version"-$bits@"$cpp_standard" run_tests "cl.exe" "$cpp_standard" if [[ ! "$done" == "" ]]; then done="$done, " fi done="${done}msvc-$version-$bits@$cpp_standard" fi done fi done fi done done done fi # Find /c/Programs/*/bin/g++ in case of Windows and no ARGS_CPP if [[ "$MACHINE" == "Windows" && "$ARGS_CPP" == "" ]]; then for d in /c/Programs/*/; do dir="${d}bin" OLD_PATH="$PATH" export PATH="$dir":$PATH gpp="${d}bin/g++.exe" gpp_output=$($gpp 2>&1 || true) if [[ $gpp_output == *"no input files"* ]]; then for gpp_standard in "${CPP_STANDARDS[@]}"; do touch empty_file.cpp gpp_output=$($gpp "$gpp_standard" empty_file.cpp 2>&1 || true) if [[ ! $gpp_output == *"unrecognized"* && ! $gpp_output == *"standard"* ]]; then run_tests "$gpp" "$gpp_standard" if [[ ! "$done" == "" ]]; then done="$done, " fi done="$done$gpp@$gpp_standard" fi rm -f empty_file.* done fi export PATH="$OLD_PATH" done fi for compiler in "${COMPILERS[@]}"; do for version in 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20; do if [[ "$ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS" == "," || "$ARGS_CPP_VERSIONS" == *,$version,* ]]; then cpp="$compiler-$version" if [[ "$version" == 0 ]]; then cpp="$compiler" fi cpp_output=$($cpp 2>&1 || true) if [[ $cpp_output == *"no input files"* ]]; then echo "Compiler '$cpp' has been found" for cpp_standard in "${CPP_STANDARDS[@]}"; do touch empty_file.cpp cpp_output=$($cpp "$cpp_standard" empty_file.cpp 2>&1 || true) if [[ ! $cpp_output == *"unrecognized"* && ! $cpp_output == *"standard"* ]]; then if [[ "$machine" == "Windows" && "$cpp" == "clang++" && "$cpp_standard" == "--std=c++11" ]]; then echo Ignore "$cpp" "$cpp_standard" on $machine continue fi run_tests "$cpp" "$cpp_standard" if [[ ! "$done" == "" ]]; then done="$done, " fi done="$done$cpp@$cpp_standard" fi rm -f empty_file.* done fi fi done done #if [[ "$machine" == "Windows" ]]; then # for f in msvc-${MSVC_INCLUDE_YEAR}-include windows-kit-${WINKIT_INCLUDE_VERSION}-include; do # rm -rf "${TESTS_DIR:?}"/lib/$f # done #fi if [[ -z "$done" ]]; then echo -e "${RED}[ERROR]${NC} No compilers found\n" exit 1 fi echo -e "${GREEN}Successfully tested on${NC}: $done\n"