resources.xml 4.7 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
  3. "" [
  4. <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../general.ent">
  5. %general-entities;
  6. ]>
  7. <sect1 id="ch-intro-resources">
  8. <?dbhtml filename="resources.html"?>
  9. <title>相关资源</title>
  10. <sect2 id="ch-intro-faq">
  11. <title>FAQ</title>
  12. <!--para>If during the building of the LFS system you encounter any
  13. errors, have any questions, or think there is a typo in the book,
  14. please start by consulting the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  15. that is located at <ulink url="&faq-root;"/>.</para-->
  16. <para> 如果在构建 LFS 的过程中您遇到了任何问题,或是存在疑问,
  17. 或者觉得书中存在拼写错误,请先参考常见问题列表 (FAQ)。它位于
  18. <ulink url="&faq-root;"/>。</para>
  19. </sect2>
  20. <sect2 id="ch-intro-maillists">
  21. <title>邮件列表</title>
  22. <!--para>The <uri></uri> server hosts a number of mailing
  23. lists used for the development of the LFS project. These lists include the
  24. main development and support lists, among others. If the FAQ does not solve
  25. the problem you are having, the next step would be to search the mailing
  26. lists at <ulink url="&lfs-root;search.html"/>.</para-->
  27. <para>服务器 <uri></uri> 管理了若干用于 LFS
  28. 项目开发过程的邮件列表,其中有主要的开发列表和技术支持列表,
  29. 以及其他辅助列表。如果 FAQ 不能解决您的问题,
  30. 您可以访问 <ulink url="&lfs-root;search.html"/>
  31. 在邮件列表中进行搜索。</para>
  32. <!--para>For information on the different lists, how to subscribe, archive
  33. locations, and additional information, visit
  34. <ulink url="&lfs-root;mail.html"/>.</para-->
  35. <para>如果希望了解各个邮件列表的信息,如订阅方法、过往邮件存档等,访问
  36. <ulink url="&lfs-root;mail.html"/>。</para>
  37. </sect2>
  38. <!-- FIXME: Remove until such time as we have our own News Server, JH 20060105
  39. <sect2 id="ch-intro-newsserver">
  40. <title>News Server</title>
  41. <para>The mailing lists hosted at <uri></uri> are
  42. also accessible via the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) server.
  43. All messages posted to a mailing list are copied to the corresponding
  44. newsgroup, and vice versa.</para>
  45. <para>The news server is located at
  46. <uri></uri>.</para>
  47. </sect2> -->
  48. <sect2 id="ch-intro-irc">
  49. <title>IRC</title>
  50. <!--para>Several members of the LFS community offer assistance on Internet
  51. Relay Chat (IRC). Before using this support, please make sure that your
  52. question is not already answered in the LFS FAQ or the mailing list
  53. archives. You can find the IRC network at <uri></uri>.
  54. The support channel is named #LFS-support.</para-->
  55. <para>LFS 社区的几个成员通过因特网中继聊天系统 (IRC) 提供支援。
  56. 在使用这一渠道之前,首先保证您的问题并没有被 LFS FAQ
  57. 和邮件列表解决。您可以在 <uri></uri> 找到 IRC 网络,
  58. 支持频道的名字是 #LFS-support。</para>
  59. </sect2>
  60. <!-- Commentted out until the target link is updated
  61. <sect2 id="ch-intro-references">
  62. <title>References</title>
  63. <para>For additional information on the packages, useful tips are
  64. available in the LFS Package Reference page located at <ulink
  65. url=""/>.</para>
  66. </sect2> -->
  67. <sect2 id="ch-intro-mirrors">
  68. <title>镜像站点</title>
  69. <!--para>The LFS project has a number of world-wide mirrors to make accessing
  70. the website and downloading the required packages more convenient. Please
  71. visit the LFS website at <ulink url="&lfs-root;mirrors.html"/> for a list
  72. of current mirrors.</para-->
  73. <para>LFS 项在全世界分布着若干镜像站,
  74. 您可以通过这些镜像站更容易地访问 LFS 网站,并下载需要的软件包。
  75. 请访问 LFS 网站 <ulink url="&lfs-root;mirrors.html"/>
  76. 来得到最新的镜像站点列表。</para>
  77. </sect2>
  78. <sect2 id="ch-intro-contactinfo">
  79. <title>联系方式</title>
  80. <para>请直接将您的问题和评论发送到某个 LFS 邮件列表(上面已经给出)。
  81. </para>
  82. <note><title>译注</title>
  83. <para>西安电子科技大学的 LFS 软件包镜像站位于
  84. <ulink url=""/>
  85. (只提供校内访问),中国科学技术大学的 LFS 软件包镜像站位于
  86. <ulink url=""/>。请在
  87. <ulink url=""/>
  88. 报告翻译错误。</para>
  89. </note>
  90. </sect2>
  91. </sect1>