askforhelp.xml 8.1 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
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  7. <sect1 id="ch-intro-askforhelp">
  8. <?dbhtml filename="askforhelp.html"?>
  9. <title>如何求助</title>
  10. <!--para>If an issue or a question is encountered while working through
  11. this book, please check the FAQ page at <ulink url="&faq-root;#generalfaq"/>.
  12. Questions are often already answered there. If your question is not
  13. answered on this page, try to find the source of the problem. The
  14. following hint will give you some guidance for troubleshooting:
  15. <ulink url="&hints-root;errors.txt"/>.</para-->
  16. <para>如果您在按照本书工作的过程中遇到任何问题或者疑问,请先阅读位于
  17. <ulink url="&faq-root;#generalfaq"/> 的常见问题列表,一般来说可以找到答案。
  18. 如果您的问题没有被 FAQ 解决,试着找到问题的根源。
  19. 这个指南指出了一些疑难问题的排查思路:<ulink url="&hints-root;errors.txt"/>。
  20. </para>
  21. <para>如果 FAQ 中没有您的问题,访问 <ulink url="&lfs-root;search.html"/>,
  22. 在邮件列表中搜索。</para>
  23. <!--para>We also have a wonderful LFS community that is willing to offer
  24. assistance through the mailing lists and IRC (see the <xref
  25. linkend="ch-intro-resources"/> section of this book). However,
  26. we get several support questions every day and many of them can be easily
  27. answered by going to the FAQ and by searching the mailing lists first.
  28. So, for us to offer the best assistance possible, you need to do some
  29. research on your own first. That allows us to focus on the more unusual
  30. support needs. If your searches do not produce a solution, please include
  31. all relevant information (mentioned below) in your request for help.</para-->
  32. <para>我们也有一个吸引人的 LFS 社区,社区成员愿意通过邮件列表和 IRC (见
  33. <xref linkend="ch-intro-resources"/>) 提供支援。然而,
  34. 我们每天都会得到一大堆明明在 FAQ 或者邮件列表中能找到答案的问题。
  35. 因此,为了使得技术支持的效能最大化,您需要自己先对问题进行一些研究。这样,
  36. 我们就能够集中精力解决最特殊的支援需求。如果您的研究得不到结果,
  37. 请您在求助时附带下面列出的全部相关信息。</para>
  38. <sect2>
  39. <title>需要提供的信息</title>
  40. <!--para>Apart from a brief explanation of the problem being experienced,
  41. the essential things to include in any request for help are:</para-->
  42. <para>除了简要描述您遇到的问题外,您应该在求助邮件中附带下列必要信息。</para>
  43. <itemizedlist>
  44. <listitem>
  45. <para>LFS 手册的版本 (这本书的版本是
  46. <phrase revision="sysv">&version;</phrase>
  47. <phrase revision="systemd">&versiond;</phrase>)</para>
  48. </listitem>
  49. <listitem>
  50. <para>构建 LFS 时使用的宿主发行版名称和版本</para>
  51. </listitem>
  52. <listitem>
  53. <para> <xref linkend='version-check'/> 脚本的输出</para>
  54. </listitem>
  55. <listitem>
  56. <para>出现问题的软件包或书内章节</para>
  57. </listitem>
  58. <listitem>
  59. <para>程序输出的原始错误消息,或者出现的症状</para>
  60. </listitem>
  61. <listitem>
  62. <para>您是否进行了超出本书内容的操作 </para>
  63. </listitem>
  64. </itemizedlist>
  65. <note>
  66. <!--para>Deviating from this book does <emphasis>not</emphasis> mean that
  67. we will not help you. After all, LFS is about personal preference.
  68. Being upfront about any changes to the established procedure helps us
  69. evaluate and determine possible causes of your problem.</para-->
  70. <para>有超出本书内容的操作,
  71. <emphasis>并不</emphasis>意味着我们就不会协助您。
  72. 无论如何, LFS 强调个人体验。
  73. 在求助信中说明您对本书给出构建过程的改动,
  74. 有助于我们猜测和确定问题的可能原因。</para>
  75. </note>
  76. </sect2>
  77. <sect2>
  78. <title>配置脚本的问题</title>
  79. <!--para>If something goes wrong while running the <command>configure</command>
  80. script, review the <filename>config.log</filename> file. This file may
  81. contain errors encountered during <command>configure</command> which were
  82. not printed to the screen. Include the <emphasis>relevant</emphasis> lines
  83. if you need to ask for help.</para-->
  84. <para>如果在运行 <command>configure</command> 脚本的过程中出现问题,
  85. 请阅读日志文件 <filename>config.log</filename>。它可能包含
  86. <command>configure</command> 运行时没有输出到屏幕的具体问题。
  87. 求助时请附带日志文件中与问题 <emphasis>相关</emphasis> 的部分。</para>
  88. </sect2>
  89. <sect2>
  90. <title>编译错误</title>
  91. <!--para>Both the screen output and the contents of various files are useful
  92. in determining the cause of compilation problems. The screen output from
  93. the <command>configure</command> script and the <command>make</command>
  94. run can be helpful. It is not necessary to include the entire output, but
  95. do include enough of the relevant information. Below is an example of the
  96. type of information to include from the screen output from
  97. <command>make</command>:</para-->
  98. <para>屏幕上的输出和一些文件的内容对于确认编译错误的原因都很有用。
  99. 屏幕输出来自于 <command>configure</command> 脚本和 <command>make</command>
  100. 命令。您不用附带所有输出内容,只要包含足够相关信息即可。例如,下面是从
  101. <command>make</command> 的屏幕输出中截取的一段:</para>
  102. <screen><computeroutput>gcc -DALIASPATH=\"/mnt/lfs/usr/share/locale:.\"
  103. -DLOCALEDIR=\"/mnt/lfs/usr/share/locale\"
  104. -DLIBDIR=\"/mnt/lfs/usr/lib\"
  105. -DINCLUDEDIR=\"/mnt/lfs/usr/include\" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.
  106. -g -O2 -c getopt1.c
  107. gcc -g -O2 -static -o make ar.o arscan.o commands.o dir.o
  108. expand.o file.o function.o getopt.o implicit.o job.o main.o
  109. misc.o read.o remake.o rule.o signame.o variable.o vpath.o
  110. default.o remote-stub.o version.o opt1.o
  111. -lutil job.o: In function `load_too_high':
  112. /lfs/tmp/make-3.79.1/job.c:1565: undefined reference
  113. to `getloadavg'
  114. collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  115. make[2]: *** [make] Error 1
  116. make[2]: Leaving directory `/lfs/tmp/make-3.79.1'
  117. make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
  118. make[1]: Leaving directory `/lfs/tmp/make-3.79.1'
  119. make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2</computeroutput></screen>
  120. <!--para>In this case, many people would just include the bottom
  121. section:</para-->
  122. <para>对于本例来说,许多人会只附带靠下的一行:</para>
  123. <screen><computeroutput>make [2]: *** [make] Error 1</computeroutput></screen>
  124. <!--para>This is not enough information to properly diagnose the problem
  125. because it only notes that something went wrong, not
  126. <emphasis>what</emphasis> went wrong. The entire section, as in the
  127. example above, is what should be saved because it includes the command
  128. that was executed and the associated error message(s).</para-->
  129. <para>这一行只告诉我们某些事情出问题了,
  130. 而完全没有说明<emphasis>哪里</emphasis>出了问题。
  131. 而上面的一段输出包含了出现问题的命令行和相关的错误消息,
  132. 这是我们需要的。</para>
  133. <!--para>An excellent article about asking for help on the Internet is
  134. available online at <ulink
  135. url="http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html"/>. Read and
  136. follow the hints in this document to increase the likelihood of getting
  137. the help you need.</para-->
  138. <para>网上有一篇关于如何在网络上提问的精彩文章:
  139. <ulink url="http://ctab.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html"/>。
  140. 在您提问时,阅读并遵从这篇文章的建议,可以增加您得到帮助的可能性。</para>
  141. <note><title>译注</title>
  142. <para><filename>smart-questions.html</filename> 的中文翻译版见
  143. <ulink url="https://lug.ustc.edu.cn/wiki/doc/smart-questions"/>。
  144. </para></note>
  145. </sect2>
  146. </sect1>