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  9. <title>致读者</title>
  10. <!--para>There are many reasons why you would want to read this book. One of the
  11. questions many people raise is, <quote>why go through all the hassle of manually
  12. building a Linux system from scratch when you can just download and install
  13. an existing one?</quote></para-->
  14. <para>您可能有许多阅读本书的理由。许多人首先会问:
  15. <quote>为什么要不辞辛苦地手工从头构建一个 Linux 系统,
  16. 而不是直接下载并且安装一个现成的?</quote>
  17. </para>
  18. <!--para>One important reason for this project's existence is to help you learn
  19. how a Linux system works from the inside out. Building an LFS system helps
  20. demonstrate what makes Linux tick, and how things work together and depend on
  21. each other. One of the best things that this learning experience can provide is
  22. the ability to customize a Linux system to suit your own unique needs.</para-->
  23. <para>本项目存在的一项重要原因就是,它能够帮助您学习 Linux 系统的内部是如何运作的。
  24. 构建 LFS 系统的过程将展示 Linux 系统的工作原理,
  25. 以及其各组成部分的协作和依赖关系。最棒的是,有了这些经验,
  26. 您将能够定制 Linux 系统,使其满足您独一无二的需求。</para>
  27. <!--para>Another key benefit of LFS is that it allows you to have more control
  28. over the system without relying on someone else's Linux implementation. With
  29. LFS, you are in the driver's seat and dictate every aspect of the
  30. system.</para-->
  31. <para>LFS 的另一个关键优势是,它允许您更好地控制您的系统,
  32. 而不用依赖于其他人的 Linux 实现。您就像坐在驾驶座上一样,
  33. 完全掌控系统的各个方面。 </para>
  34. <!--para>LFS allows you to create very compact Linux systems. When installing
  35. regular distributions, you are often forced to install a great many
  36. programs which are probably never used or understood. These programs waste
  37. resources. You may argue that with today's hard drive and CPUs, such
  38. resources are no longer a consideration. Sometimes, however, you are still
  39. constrained by size considerations if nothing else. Think about bootable
  40. CDs, USB sticks, and embedded systems. Those are areas where LFS can be
  41. beneficial.</para-->
  42. <para>LFS 允许您创建非常紧凑的 Linux 系统。在安装传统的 Linux 发行版时,
  43. 您往往不得不安装一大堆可能永远不会用到,甚至完全无法理解其必要性的程序。
  44. 它们会浪费系统资源。您可能以为,有了现代的大容量硬盘和高速 CPU,
  45. 就不需要考虑资源耗费的问题。然而,在一些情况下,即使不考虑其他问题,
  46. 仅仅存储空间的约束就十分紧张。可引导 CD ,USB 启动盘或者嵌入式系统就是典型代表。
  47. 在这些领域中, LFS 是十分有用的。 </para>
  48. <!--para>Another advantage of a custom built Linux system is security. By compiling
  49. the entire system from source code, you are empowered to audit everything
  50. and apply all the security patches desired. It is no longer necessary to
  51. wait for somebody else to compile binary packages that fix a security hole.
  52. Unless you examine the patch and implement it yourself, you have no
  53. guarantee that the new binary package was built correctly and adequately
  54. fixes the problem.</para-->
  55. <para>自行定制的 Linux 系统在安全方面也优势很大。在从源码编译整个系统的过程中,
  56. 您有机会审核所有的代码,并安装您需要的安全补丁。
  57. 您不需要像往常那样等待其他人编译一个修复了安全漏洞的二进制包。
  58. 另外,除非您亲自检查并应用了补丁,您无法保证新的二进制包在编译过程中没有出问题,
  59. 并且正确修补了安全漏洞。</para>
  60. <!--para>The goal of Linux From Scratch is to build a complete and usable
  61. foundation-level system. If you do not wish to build your own Linux system
  62. from scratch, you may nevertheless benefit from the information in this
  63. book.</para-->
  64. <para>Linux From Scratch 的目标是构建一个完整并基本可用的系统。
  65. 如果您不想从零构建您自己的 Linux 系统,那么您可能不会从本书提供的信息中受益。
  66. </para>
  67. <!--para>There are too many other good reasons to build your own LFS system to
  68. list them all here. In the end, education is by far the most powerful of
  69. reasons. As you continue in your LFS experience, you will discover the power
  70. that information and knowledge truly bring.</para-->
  71. <para>此外,构建 LFS 系统还有很多好处,这里就不一一列举了。在所有原因中,
  72. 最重要的是,在您编译和使用 LFS 的实践中,您将了解很多威力巨大的信息和知识。
  73. </para>
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