hostreqs.xml 9.6 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
  3. "" [
  4. <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../general.ent">
  5. %general-entities;
  6. ]>
  7. <sect1 id="pre-hostreqs">
  8. <?dbhtml filename="hostreqs.html"?>
  9. <title>宿主系统需求</title>
  10. <!--para>Your host system should have the following software with the
  11. minimum versions indicated. This should not be an issue for most
  12. modern Linux distributions. Also note that many distributions will
  13. place software headers into separate packages, often in the form of
  14. <quote>&lt;package-name&gt;-devel</quote> or
  15. <quote>&lt;package-name&gt;-dev</quote>. Be sure to install those if
  16. your distribution provides them.</para-->
  17. <para>您的宿主系统必须拥有下列软件,且版本不能低于我们给出的最低版本。
  18. 对于大多数现代 Linux 发行版来说这不成问题。要注意的是,
  19. 很多发行版会把软件的头文件放在单独的软件包中,这些软件包的名称往往是
  20. <quote>&lt;package-name&gt;-devel</quote> 或者
  21. <quote>&lt;package-name&gt;-dev</quote>。
  22. 如果您的发行版为下列软件提供了这类软件包,一定要安装它们。</para>
  23. <!--para>Earlier versions of the listed software packages may work, but have
  24. not been tested.</para-->
  25. <para>比下列最低版本更古老的版本可能正常工作,但作者没有进行测试。</para>
  26. <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
  27. <listitem>
  28. <para><emphasis role="strong">Bash-3.2</emphasis> (/bin/sh
  29. 必须是到 bash 的符号链接或硬连接)</para>
  30. </listitem>
  31. <listitem>
  32. <para><emphasis role="strong">Binutils-2.25</emphasis> (比
  33. &binutils-version; 更新的版本未经测试,不推荐使用)</para>
  34. </listitem>
  35. <listitem>
  36. <para><emphasis role="strong">Bison-2.7</emphasis> (/usr/bin/yacc
  37. 必须是到 bison 的链接,或者是一个执行 bison 的小脚本)</para>
  38. </listitem>
  39. <listitem>
  40. <para><emphasis role="strong">Bzip2-1.0.4</emphasis></para>
  41. </listitem>
  42. <listitem>
  43. <para><emphasis role="strong">Coreutils-6.9</emphasis></para>
  44. </listitem>
  45. <listitem>
  46. <para><emphasis role="strong">Diffutils-2.8.1</emphasis></para>
  47. </listitem>
  48. <listitem>
  49. <para><emphasis role="strong">Findutils-4.2.31</emphasis></para>
  50. </listitem>
  51. <listitem>
  52. <para><emphasis role="strong">Gawk-4.0.1</emphasis> (/usr/bin/awk
  53. 必须是到 gawk 的链接)</para>
  54. </listitem>
  55. <listitem>
  56. <para><emphasis role="strong">GCC-4.9</emphasis> 包括 C++
  57. 编译器, <command>g++</command> (比 &gcc-version; 更新的版本未经测试,
  58. 不推荐使用)</para>
  59. <!--
  60. <note><para>On some distributions, there have been reports that some
  61. libraries used by gcc can be in an inconsistent state and that this
  62. interferes with building some LFS packages. To check this, look in
  63. /usr/lib and possibly /usr/lib64 for,, and
  64. Either all three should be present or absent, but not only
  65. one or two. If the problem exists on your system, either rename or
  66. delete the .la files or install the appropriate missing
  67. package.</para></note>
  68. -->
  69. </listitem>
  70. <listitem>
  71. <para><emphasis role="strong">Glibc-2.11</emphasis> (比
  72. &glibc-version; 更新的版本未经测试,不推荐使用)</para>
  73. </listitem>
  74. <listitem>
  75. <para><emphasis role="strong">Grep-2.5.1a</emphasis></para>
  76. </listitem>
  77. <listitem>
  78. <para><emphasis role="strong">Gzip-1.3.12</emphasis></para>
  79. </listitem>
  80. <listitem>
  81. <para><emphasis role="strong">Linux Kernel-&min-kernel;</emphasis></para>
  82. <!--para>The reason for the kernel version requirement is that we specify
  83. that version when building <application>glibc</application> in Chapter&nbsp;6
  84. at the recommendation of the developers. It is also required by
  85. udev.</para-->
  86. <para>内核版本的要求是为了符合
  87. <xref linkend="chapter-building-system"/> 中编译
  88. <application>glibc</application> 时开发者推荐的配置选项。
  89. udev 也要求一定的内核版本。</para>
  90. <!--para>If the host kernel is earlier than &min-kernel; you will need to replace
  91. the kernel with a more up to date version. There are two ways
  92. you can go about this. First, see if your Linux vendor provides a &min-kernel;
  93. or later kernel package. If so, you may wish to install it. If your
  94. vendor doesn't offer an acceptable kernel package, or you would prefer not to
  95. install it, you can compile a kernel yourself. Instructions for
  96. compiling the kernel and configuring the boot loader (assuming the host
  97. uses GRUB) are located in <xref linkend="chapter-bootable"/>.</para-->
  98. <para>如果宿主内核比 &min-kernel; 更早,您需要将内核升级到较新的版本。
  99. 升级内核有两种方法,如果您的发行版供应商提供了 &min-kernel;
  100. 或更新的内核软件包,您可以直接安装它。
  101. 如果供应商没有提供一个足够新的内核包,或者您不想安装它,
  102. 您可以自己编译内核。编译内核和配置启动引导器 (假设宿主使用 GRUB)
  103. 的步骤在 <xref linkend="chapter-bootable"/> 中。</para>
  104. </listitem>
  105. <listitem>
  106. <para><emphasis role="strong">M4-1.4.10</emphasis></para>
  107. </listitem>
  108. <listitem>
  109. <para><emphasis role="strong">Make-4.0</emphasis></para>
  110. </listitem>
  111. <listitem>
  112. <para><emphasis role="strong">Patch-2.5.4</emphasis></para>
  113. </listitem>
  114. <listitem>
  115. <para><emphasis role="strong">Perl-5.8.8</emphasis></para>
  116. </listitem>
  117. <listitem>
  118. <para><emphasis role="strong">Sed-4.1.5</emphasis></para>
  119. </listitem>
  120. <listitem>
  121. <para><emphasis role="strong">Tar-1.22</emphasis></para>
  122. </listitem>
  123. <listitem>
  124. <para><emphasis role="strong">Texinfo-4.7</emphasis></para>
  125. </listitem>
  126. <listitem>
  127. <para><emphasis role="strong">Xz-5.0.0</emphasis></para>
  128. </listitem>
  129. </itemizedlist>
  130. <important>
  131. <!--para>Note that the symlinks mentioned above are required to build an LFS
  132. system using the instructions contained within this book. Symlinks that
  133. point to other software (such as dash, mawk, etc.) may work, but are not
  134. tested or supported by the LFS development team, and may require either
  135. deviation from the instructions or additional patches to some
  136. packages.</para-->
  137. <para>上面要求的符号链接是根据本书构建 LFS 的充分条件,不是必要条件。
  138. 链接指向其他软件 (如 dash 或 mawk 等) 可能不会引发问题,但 LFS
  139. 开发团队没有尝试过这种做法,也无法提供帮助。对于一些软件包来说,
  140. 您可能需要修改本书中的指令或者使用额外的补丁,
  141. 才能在这类宿主环境成功构建。</para>
  142. </important>
  143. <!-- Use an empty sect2 element to prevent a pdf warning. -->
  144. <bridgehead renderas="sect2"
  145. id="version-check"
  146. xreflabel="宿主需求检查">
  147. </bridgehead>
  148. <!--<title> </title>-->
  149. <!--para >To see whether your host system has all the appropriate versions, and
  150. the ability to compile programs, run the following:</para-->
  151. <para>为了确定您的宿主系统拥有每个软件的合适版本,且能够编译程序,
  152. 请运行下列脚本。</para>
  153. <!-- ANY additional lines in the script cause a pdf rendering problem-->
  154. <screen role="nodump"><userinput>cat &gt; &lt;&lt; "EOF"
  155. <literal>#!/bin/bash
  156. # Simple script to list version numbers of critical development tools
  157. export LC_ALL=C
  158. bash --version | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f2-4
  159. MYSH=$(readlink -f /bin/sh)
  160. echo "/bin/sh -&gt; $MYSH"
  161. echo $MYSH | grep -q bash || echo "ERROR: /bin/sh does not point to bash"
  162. unset MYSH
  163. echo -n "Binutils: "; ld --version | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f3-
  164. bison --version | head -n1
  165. if [ -h /usr/bin/yacc ]; then
  166. echo "/usr/bin/yacc -> `readlink -f /usr/bin/yacc`";
  167. elif [ -x /usr/bin/yacc ]; then
  168. echo yacc is `/usr/bin/yacc --version | head -n1`
  169. else
  170. echo "yacc not found"
  171. fi
  172. bzip2 --version 2&gt;&amp;1 &lt; /dev/null | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f1,6-
  173. echo -n "Coreutils: "; chown --version | head -n1 | cut -d")" -f2
  174. diff --version | head -n1
  175. find --version | head -n1
  176. gawk --version | head -n1
  177. if [ -h /usr/bin/awk ]; then
  178. echo "/usr/bin/awk -&gt; `readlink -f /usr/bin/awk`";
  179. elif [ -x /usr/bin/awk ]; then
  180. echo awk is `/usr/bin/awk --version | head -n1`
  181. else
  182. echo "awk not found"
  183. fi
  184. gcc --version | head -n1
  185. g++ --version | head -n1
  186. ldd --version | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f2- # glibc version
  187. grep --version | head -n1
  188. gzip --version | head -n1
  189. cat /proc/version
  190. m4 --version | head -n1
  191. make --version | head -n1
  192. patch --version | head -n1
  193. echo Perl `perl -V:version`
  194. sed --version | head -n1
  195. tar --version | head -n1
  196. makeinfo --version | head -n1
  197. xz --version | head -n1
  198. <?hard-pagebreak?>
  199. echo 'int main(){}' &gt; dummy.c &amp;&amp; g++ -o dummy dummy.c
  200. if [ -x dummy ]
  201. then echo "g++ compilation OK";
  202. else echo "g++ compilation failed"; fi
  203. rm -f dummy.c dummy</literal>
  204. EOF
  205. bash</userinput></screen>
  206. <!--
  207. <para>Also check for some library consistency:</para>
  208. <screen role="nodump"><userinput>cat &gt; &lt;&lt; "EOF"
  209. <literal>#!/bin/bash
  210. for lib in lib{gmp,mpfr,mpc}.la; do
  211. echo $lib: $(if find /usr/lib* -name $lib|
  212. grep -q $lib;then :;else echo not;fi) found
  213. done
  214. unset lib</literal>
  215. EOF
  216. bash</userinput></screen>
  217. <para>The files identified by this script should be all present
  218. or all absent, but not only one or two present.</para>
  219. -->
  220. </sect1>