123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- {{/* Wowchemy content preview renderer */}}
- {{ $page := .page }}
- {{ $item := .item }}
- {{ $view := .view }}
- {{ $view_file := "" }}
- {{ $view_dtype := printf "%T" $view }}
- {{ $index := .index }}
- {{if eq $view_dtype "int" | or (eq $view_dtype "int64") }}
- {{/* Support legacy numeric views 1-5 */}}
- {{ if eq $view 1 }}
- {{ $view_file = "list" }}
- {{ else if eq $view 3 }}
- {{ $view_file = "card" }}
- {{ else if eq $view 4 }}
- {{ $view_file = "citation" }}
- {{ else if eq $view 5 }}
- {{ $view_file = "showcase" }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ $view_file = "compact" }}
- {{ end }}
- {{else}}
- {{ if templates.Exists (printf "partials/views/%s.html" (lower $view)) }}
- {{ $view_file = lower $view }}
- {{else}}
- {{/* Fallback to compact view */}}
- {{ warnf "Failed to locate view at `partials/views/%s.html`. Check you specified a supported `view` in `%s`" $view $page.File.Path }}
- {{ $view_file = "compact" }}
- {{end}}
- {{ end }}
- {{ return (partial (printf "views/%s" $view_file) (dict "page" $page "item" $item "index" $index)) }}