mathjax-config.js 528 B

  1. // MathJax Configuration
  2. //
  3. // v2 to v3 upgrade notes:
  4. // - The CommonHTML.linebreaks option is not yet implemented (but may be in a future release)
  5. // - The TeX.noUndefined.attributes option is not yet implemented (but may be in a future release)
  6. window.MathJax = {
  7. tex: {
  8. inlineMath: [
  9. ['$', '$'],
  10. ['\\(', '\\)'],
  11. ],
  12. displayMath: [
  13. ['$$', '$$'],
  14. ['\\[', '\\]'],
  15. ],
  16. processEscapes: false,
  17. packages: {'[+]': ['noerrors']},
  18. },
  19. loader: {
  20. load: ['[tex]/noerrors'],
  21. },
  22. };