123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778 |
- {{- define "main" -}}
- {{ partial "page_header.html" . }}
- <div class="universal-wrapper">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-lg-12">
- {{ with .Content }}
- <div class="article-style">{{ . }}</div>
- {{ end }}
- {{/* Array of distinct years. */}}
- {{ range .Pages.ByDate.Reverse }}
- {{ $year := print (.Date.Format "2006") }}
- {{ $.Scratch.SetInMap "years" $year $year }}
- {{ end }}
- <div class="form-row mb-4">
- <div class="col-auto">
- <input type="search" class="filter-search" placeholder="{{ i18n "search_placeholder" }}" autocapitalize="off"
- autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" role="textbox" spellcheck="false">
- </div>
- <div class="col-auto">
- <select class="pub-filters pubtype-select form-control form-control-sm" data-filter-group="pubtype">
- <option value="*">{{ i18n "publication_type" }}</option>
- {{ $pub_types := partial "functions/get_pub_types" $ }}
- {{ range $index, $taxonomy := site.Taxonomies.publication_types }}
- <option value=".pubtype-{{ (int $index) }}">
- {{ index $pub_types (int $index) }}
- </option>
- {{ end }}
- </select>
- </div>
- <div class="col-auto">
- <select class="pub-filters form-control form-control-sm" data-filter-group="year">
- <option value="*">{{ i18n "date" }}</option>
- {{ $years_sorted := $.Scratch.GetSortedMapValues "years" }}
- {{ if $years_sorted }}
- {{ range $year := sort $years_sorted "" "desc" }}
- <option value=".year-{{ $year }}">
- {{ $year }}
- </option>
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
- </select>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="container-publications">
- {{ range .Pages.ByDate.Reverse }}
- {{ if .Params.publication_types }}
- {{ $.Scratch.Set "pubtype" (index .Params.publication_types 0) }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ $.Scratch.Set "pubtype" 0 }}
- {{ end }}
- <div class="grid-sizer col-lg-12 isotope-item pubtype-{{ $.Scratch.Get "pubtype" }} year-{{ .Date.Format "2006" }}">
- {{ if eq $.Params.view 1 }}
- {{ partial "li_list" . }}
- {{ else if eq $.Params.view 3 }}
- {{ partial "li_card" . }}
- {{ else if eq $.Params.view 4 }}
- {{ partial "li_citation" . }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ partial "li_compact" . }}
- {{ end }}
- </div>
- {{ end }}
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- {{- end -}}