assets.toml 5.0 KB

  1. # Versioning and Subresource Integrity (SRI) for Academic's JavaScript and CSS dependencies
  2. # When updating the version of an asset below, please also update the corresponding SRI.
  3. # How to update the SRI for an entry:
  4. # echo -n "sha512-" && curl --silent "" | openssl dgst -sha512 -binary | openssl enc -base64 -A
  5. # Or, the SRI for the appropriate asset can be copied from .
  6. # JavaScript
  7. [js.jQuery]
  8. version = "3.5.1"
  9. sri = "sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0="
  10. url = ""
  11. [js.highlight]
  12. version = "10.1.2"
  13. sri = "sha512-7t8APmYpzEsZP7CYoA7RfMPV9Bb+PJHa9x2WiUnDXZx3XHveuyWUtvNOexhkierl5flZ3tr92dP1mMS+SGlD+A=="
  14. url = ""
  15. [js.mathJax]
  16. version = "3"
  17. sri = "" # No SRI as dynamically generated.
  18. url = ""
  19. async = true
  20. [js.isotope]
  21. version = "3.0.6"
  22. sri = "sha256-CBrpuqrMhXwcLLUd5tvQ4euBHCdh7wGlDfNz8vbu/iI="
  23. url = ""
  24. [js.imagesLoaded]
  25. version = "4.1.4"
  26. sri = "sha256-lqvxZrPLtfffUl2G/e7szqSvPBILGbwmsGE1MKlOi0Q="
  27. url = ""
  28. [js.gmaps]
  29. version = "0.4.25"
  30. sri = "sha256-7vjlAeb8OaTrCXZkCNun9djzuB2owUsaO72kXaFDBJs="
  31. url = ""
  32. [js.leaflet]
  33. version = "1.5.1"
  34. sri = "sha256-EErZamuLefUnbMBQbsEqu1USa+btR2oIlCpBJbyD4/g="
  35. url = ""
  36. [js.fancybox]
  37. version = "3.5.7"
  38. sri = "sha256-yt2kYMy0w8AbtF89WXb2P1rfjcP/HTHLT7097U8Y5b8="
  39. url = ""
  40. [js.fuse]
  41. version = "3.2.1"
  42. sri = "sha256-VzgmKYmhsGNNN4Ph1kMW+BjoYJM2jV5i4IlFoeZA9XI="
  43. url = ""
  44. [js.mark]
  45. version = "8.11.1"
  46. sri = "sha256-4HLtjeVgH0eIB3aZ9mLYF6E8oU5chNdjU6p6rrXpl9U="
  47. url = ""
  48. [js.instantsearch]
  49. version = "2.10.2"
  50. sri = "sha256-gFCtPk/sonctyfwYOgjrPoWApQ0rqB6ezBBZ7p32yGc="
  51. url = ""
  52. [js.anchor]
  53. version = "4.1.1"
  54. sri = "sha256-pB/deHc9CGfFpJRjC43imB29Rse8tak+5eXqntO94ck="
  55. url = ""
  56. [js.mermaid]
  57. version = "8.4.8"
  58. sri = "sha256-lyWCDMnMeZiXRi7Zl54sZGKYmgQs4izcT7+tKc+KUBk="
  59. url = ""
  60. [js.lazysizes]
  61. version = "5.1.2"
  62. sri = "sha256-Md1qLToewPeKjfAHU1zyPwOutccPAm5tahnaw7Osw0A="
  63. url = ""
  64. async = true
  65. [js.cookieconsent]
  66. version = "3.1.1"
  67. sri = "sha256-5VhCqFam2Cn+yjw61zbBNrbHVJ6SRydPeKopYlngbiQ="
  68. url = ""
  69. [js.instantpage]
  70. version = "5.1.0"
  71. sri = "sha512-1+qUtKoh9XZW7j+6LhRMAyOrgSQKenQ4mluTR+cvxXjP1Z54RxZuzstR/H9kgPXQsVB8IW7DMDFUJpzLjvhGSQ=="
  72. url = ""
  73. [js.plotly]
  74. version = "1.54.7"
  75. sri = "sha512-eftiPCZn2L4fmOs+IforhSiBbW7f+fLzhqTPTD74kSOt4gcD+Q2btwLJ8V7fklVoKuSegQCKVqP/73T0tbmrmA=="
  76. url = ""
  77. # CSS
  78. [css.fontAwesome]
  79. version = "5.14.0"
  80. sri = "sha256-FMvZuGapsJLjouA6k7Eo2lusoAX9i0ShlWFG6qt7SLc="
  81. url = ""
  82. [css.academicons]
  83. version = "1.8.6"
  84. sri = "sha256-uFVgMKfistnJAfoCUQigIl+JfUaP47GrRKjf6CTPVmw="
  85. url = ""
  86. [css.leaflet]
  87. version = "1.5.1"
  88. sri = "sha256-SHMGCYmST46SoyGgo4YR/9AlK1vf3ff84Aq9yK4hdqM="
  89. url = ""
  90. [css.fancybox]
  91. version = "3.5.7"
  92. sri = "sha256-Vzbj7sDDS/woiFS3uNKo8eIuni59rjyNGtXfstRzStA="
  93. url = ""
  94. [css.instantsearch]
  95. version = "2.9.0"
  96. sri = "sha256-ZtmLe16p4jS4/2wPwwH6NzJt460SJzgLmhKrYo5yn7g="
  97. url = ""
  98. [css.instantsearchTheme]
  99. version = "2.10.2"
  100. sri = "sha256-uL8LUd3zkI/lXvc/Hv/oOu8ld6RJcOZiUY/8c+I+3/o="
  101. url = ""
  102. [css.highlight]
  103. version = "10.1.2"
  104. sri = "" # No SRI as highlight style is determined at run time.
  105. url = ""
  106. [css.cookieconsent]
  107. version = "3.1.1"
  108. sri = "sha256-zQ0LblD/Af8vOppw18+2anxsuaz3pWYyVWi+bTvTH8Q="
  109. url = ""