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How to get support for Wowchemy 👨‍💬👩‍💬

🚑 For help and questions, solve common issues with the Troubleshooting Guide.

For other issues, search if your question has already been asked on the community chat and forum, and if not, consider posting a new thread there.

Please do not raise an issue on GitHub.

Also, you can search and browse the extensive Wowchemy and Hugo documentation.

For questions on Blogdown, please reach out to the Blogdown community.

Issues which are not bug reports or feature requests will be closed.

Why not GitHub?

GitHub is our project management tool, it's the place where our volunteers contribute. We use the issue list to keep track of bugs and new features that we are working on. We do this openly for transparency.

With the chat and forum, you can leverage the knowledge of our wider community to get help with any problems you are having with Wowchemy. Please keep in mind that Wowchemy is Free Open Source Software (FOSS), and free support is provided by the goodwill of our wonderful community members.