123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- {{/* Function to get logo image. */}}
- {{/* Inputs: constraint: max_height/fit (str); size (int) */}}
- {{/* Output: resource (obj) */}}
- {{/* Workaround fact Hugo does not support GetMatch in assets dir */}}
- {{/* Hugo doesn't support image ops on SVG: https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/ho-do-i-convert-a-generic-resource-to-image-resource/22570/4 */}}
- {{ $logo := resources.Get "images/logo.png" | default (resources.Get "images/logo.svg") }}
- {{ $logo_proc := $logo }}
- {{/* If the type of image can be resized by Hugo, resize it given a `.size` argument to the function. */}}
- {{ if resources.Get "images/logo.png" }}
- {{ if eq .constraint "max_height" }}
- {{/* Resize logo to fit specified max height. */}}
- {{ $logo_proc = ($logo.Resize (printf "x%s" (string .size))) }}
- {{ else }}
- {{/* Constrain logo to fit within specified dimensions. */}}
- {{ $logo_proc = ($logo.Fit (printf "%sx%s" (string .size) (string .size))) }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ return $logo_proc }}