{{- /* Generate RSS v2 with full page content. */ -}} {{- /* Upstream Hugo bug - RSS dates can be in future: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/3918 */ -}} {{- $page_context := cond .IsHome site . -}} {{- $pages := $page_context.RegularPages -}} {{- $limit := site.Config.Services.RSS.Limit -}} {{- if ge $limit 1 -}} {{- $pages = $pages | first $limit -}} {{- end -}} {{- printf "" | safeHTML }} {{ if ne .Title site.Title }}{{ with .Title }}{{.}} | {{ end }}{{end}}{{ site.Title }} {{ .Permalink }} {{- with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS" }} {{ printf "" .Permalink .MediaType | safeHTML }} {{ end -}} {{ .Title | default site.Title }} Wowchemy (https://wowchemy.com) {{- with site.LanguageCode }}{{.}}{{end -}} {{- with site.Copyright }}{{ replace (replace . "{year}" now.Year) "©" "©" | plainify }}{{end -}} {{- if not .Date.IsZero }}{{ .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML }}{{ end -}} {{- if .Scratch.Get "og_image" }} {{ .Scratch.Get "og_image" }} {{ .Title | default site.Title }} {{ .Permalink }} {{end -}} {{ range $pages }} {{ .Title }} {{ .Permalink }} {{ .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML }} {{ .Permalink }} {{ .Content | html }} {{ end }}