{{ with site.GetPage "privacy.md" }} {{ printf "%s" .RelPermalink .Title | safeHTML }} {{ end }} {{ with site.GetPage "terms.md" }} {{ if site.GetPage "privacy.md" }} · {{ end }} {{ printf "%s" .RelPermalink .Title | safeHTML }} {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ with site.Copyright }}{{ replace . "{year}" now.Year | markdownify }}
{{ end }} {{/* Display copyright license. */}} {{ partial "site_footer_license" . }}{{ $is_sponsor := site.Params.i_am_a_sponsor | default false }} {{ $hide_published_with_footer := site.Params.power_ups.hide_published_with | default true }} {{ if not (and $is_sponsor $hide_published_with_footer) }} {{ $default := "Published with {wowchemy} — the free, {repo_link}open source{/repo_link} website builder that empowers creators." }} {{ $i18n_published_with := i18n "published_with" | default $default }} {{ if not (findRE "{wowchemy}" $i18n_published_with) }} {{ warnf "Please attribute Wowchemy using `{wowchemy}` in the `published_with` text." }} {{ $i18n_published_with = $default }} {{ end }} {{ $i18n_published_with = replace $i18n_published_with "{wowchemy}" "Wowchemy" | safeHTML }} {{ $i18n_published_with = replace $i18n_published_with "{repo_link}" "" | safeHTML }} {{ $i18n_published_with = replace $i18n_published_with "{/repo_link}" "" | safeHTML }} {{ $i18n_published_with | markdownify | emojify }} {{ end }}