<div class="reveal">
  <div class="slides">
    {{/* Loop over each page. */}}
    {{ range . }}
    {{ if ne (len .Content) 0 }}

    {{/* Must remove `<hr />` generated by Blackfriday footnotes as conflicts with slide delimiter. */}}
    {{/* Commented out workaround as Blackfriday has been superseded by Goldmark in Hugo 0.60. */}}
    {{/* TODO: reintroduce a similar workaround if Goldmark requires it. */}}
    {{/* $content := replace .Content "<div class=\"footnotes\">\n\n<hr />" "<div class=\"footnotes\">" */}}
    {{ $content := .Content }}{{/* For Goldmark. */}}

    {{/* Let `---` delimit slides. In Goldmark, that is `<hr>`. Alternatively, for Blackfriday, use `<hr />`. */}}
    {{ range (split $content "<hr>") }}

    {{/* Each `<section>` defines a new slide. */}}
    {{/* Only begin new slide `<section>` if not already added by custom `slide` shortcode. */}}
    {{ if not (in . "data-noprocess") }}
    {{ end }}
      {{ . | safeHTML }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ end }}
    {{ end }}