# [Hugo Markdown Slides Theme](https://github.com/wowchemy/starter-hugo-markdown-slides)


The **Markdown Slides** starter template empowers you to **easily create, share, and present slide decks using the open, future-proof Markdown standard**. Supports math, syntax highlighting, diagrams, speaker notes, and much more!

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[Check out the latest demo](https://markdown-slides.netlify.app/) of what you'll get in less than 10 minutes, or [get inspired by how others are using this template](https://wowchemy.com/creators/).

The integrated [**Wowchemy**](https://wowchemy.com) website builder and CMS makes it easy to create a beautiful website for free. Edit your site in the CMS (or your favorite editor), generate it with [Hugo](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo), and deploy with GitHub or Netlify. Customize anything on your site with widgets, light/dark themes, and language packs.

- 👉 [**Get Started**](https://wowchemy.com/hugo-themes/)
- 📚 [View the **documentation**](https://wowchemy.com/docs/)
- 💬 [Chat with the **Wowchemy research community**](https://discord.gg/z8wNYzb) or [**Hugo community**](https://discourse.gohugo.io)
- ⬇️ **Automatically import citations from BibTeX** with the [Hugo Academic CLI](https://github.com/wowchemy/hugo-academic-cli)
- 🐦 Share your new site with the community: [@wowchemy](https://twitter.com/wowchemy) [@GeorgeCushen](https://twitter.com/GeorgeCushen) [#MadeWithWowchemy](https://twitter.com/search?q=(%23MadeWithWowchemy%20OR%20%23MadeWithAcademic)&src=typed_query)
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- 🚀 [Contribute improvements](https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes/blob/main/.github/contributing.md) or [suggest improvements](https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes/issues)
- ⬆️ **Updating?** View the [Update Guide](https://wowchemy.com/docs/hugo-tutorials/update/) and [Release Notes](https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes/releases)

## We ask you, humbly, to support this open source movement

Today we ask you to defend the open source independence of the Wowchemy website builder and themes 🐧

We're an open source movement that depends on your support to stay online and thriving, but 99.9% of our creators don't give; they simply look the other way.

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