/************************************************* * Wowchemy * https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-modules * * In-built Fuse based search algorithm. **************************************************/ import {search_config, i18n, content_type} from '@params'; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Configuration. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Configure Fuse. let fuseOptions = { shouldSort: true, includeMatches: true, tokenize: true, threshold: search_config.threshold, // Set to ~0.3 for parsing diacritics and CJK languages. location: 0, distance: 100, maxPatternLength: 32, minMatchCharLength: search_config.minLength, // Set to 1 for parsing CJK languages. keys: [ {name: 'title', weight: 0.99} /* 1.0 doesn't work o_O */, {name: 'summary', weight: 0.6}, {name: 'authors', weight: 0.5}, {name: 'content', weight: 0.2}, {name: 'tags', weight: 0.5}, {name: 'categories', weight: 0.5}, ], }; // Configure summary. let summaryLength = 60; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Get query from URI. function getSearchQuery(name) { return decodeURIComponent((location.search.split(name + '=')[1] || '').split('&')[0]).replace(/\+/g, ' '); } // Set query in URI without reloading the page. function updateURL(url) { if (history.replaceState) { window.history.replaceState({path: url}, '', url); } } // Pre-process new search query. function initSearch(force, fuse) { let query = $('#search-query').val(); // If query deleted, clear results. if (query.length < 1) { $('#search-hits').empty(); $('#search-common-queries').show(); } // Check for timer event (enter key not pressed) and query less than minimum length required. if (!force && query.length < fuseOptions.minMatchCharLength) return; // Do search. $('#search-hits').empty(); $('#search-common-queries').hide(); searchAcademic(query, fuse); let newURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + window.location.hash; updateURL(newURL); } // Perform search. function searchAcademic(query, fuse) { let results = fuse.search(query); // console.log({"results": results}); if (results.length > 0) { $('#search-hits').append('

' + results.length + ' ' + i18n.results + '

'); parseResults(query, results); } else { $('#search-hits').append('
' + i18n.no_results + '
'); } } // Parse search results. function parseResults(query, results) { $.each(results, function (key, value) { let content_key = value.item.section; let content = ''; let snippet = ''; let snippetHighlights = []; // Show abstract in results for content types where the abstract is often the primary content. if (['publication', 'event'].includes(content_key)) { content = value.item.summary; } else { content = value.item.content; } if (fuseOptions.tokenize) { snippetHighlights.push(query); } else { $.each(value.matches, function (matchKey, matchValue) { if (matchValue.key == 'content') { let start = matchValue.indices[0][0] - summaryLength > 0 ? matchValue.indices[0][0] - summaryLength : 0; let end = matchValue.indices[0][1] + summaryLength < content.length ? matchValue.indices[0][1] + summaryLength : content.length; snippet += content.substring(start, end); snippetHighlights.push( matchValue.value.substring( matchValue.indices[0][0], matchValue.indices[0][1] - matchValue.indices[0][0] + 1, ), ); } }); } if (snippet.length < 1) { snippet += value.item.summary; // Alternative fallback: `content.substring(0, summaryLength*2);` } // Load template. let template = $('#search-hit-fuse-template').html(); // Localize content types. if (content_key in content_type) { content_key = content_type[content_key]; } // Parse template. let templateData = { key: key, title: value.item.title, type: content_key, relpermalink: value.item.relpermalink, snippet: snippet, }; let output = render(template, templateData); $('#search-hits').append(output); // Highlight search terms in result. $.each(snippetHighlights, function (hlKey, hlValue) { $('#summary-' + key).mark(hlValue); }); }); } function render(template, data) { // Replace placeholders with their values. let key, find, re; for (key in data) { find = '\\{\\{\\s*' + key + '\\s*\\}\\}'; // Expect placeholder in the form `{{x}}`. re = new RegExp(find, 'g'); template = template.replace(re, data[key]); } return template; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // If Academic's in-built search is enabled and Fuse loaded, then initialize it. if (typeof Fuse === 'function') { // Wait for Fuse to initialize. $.getJSON(search_config.indexURI, function (search_index) { let fuse = new Fuse(search_index, fuseOptions); // On page load, check for search query in URL. let query = getSearchQuery('q'); if (query) { $('body').addClass('searching'); $('.search-results').css({opacity: 0, visibility: 'visible'}).animate({opacity: 1}, 200); $('#search-query').val(query); $('#search-query').focus(); initSearch(true, fuse); } // On search box key up, process query. $('#search-query').keyup(function (e) { clearTimeout($.data(this, 'searchTimer')); // Ensure only one timer runs! if (e.keyCode == 13) { initSearch(true, fuse); } else { $(this).data( 'searchTimer', setTimeout(function () { initSearch(false, fuse); }, 250), ); } }); }); }