Browse Source


Xi Ruoyao 3 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ To help us develop this template and software sustainably under the MIT license,
 **Key features:**
-- **Page builder** - Create _anything_ with [**widgets**]( and [**elements**](
+- **Page builder** - Create _anything_ with [**widgets**]( and [**elements**](
 - **Edit any type of content** - Blog posts, publications, talks, slides, projects, and more!
 - **Create content** in [**Markdown**](, [**Jupyter**](, or [**RStudio**](
 - **Plugin System** - Fully customizable [**color** and **font themes**](

+ 1 - 1

@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ collections:
         name: "categories"
         required: false
         widget: "list"
-      - {label: "External link (optional - replaces link to project page)", name: "external_link", widget: "string"}
+      - {label: "External link (optional - replaces link to project page)", name: "external_link", widget: "string", required: false}
       - label: Links
         name: links
         required: false

+ 3 - 0

@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 # Address formats.
+en-ca = {order = ['street', 'city', 'region', 'postcode', 'country'], delimiters = ['<br>', ', ', '<br>', '<br>']}
 en-us = {order = ['street', 'city', 'region', 'postcode'], delimiters = [', ', ', ', ' ', '']}
 en-gb = {order = ['street', 'city', 'region', 'postcode'], delimiters = [', ', ', ', ', ', '']}
 de = {order = ['street', 'postcode', 'city'], delimiters = ['<br>', ' ', '']}
+fr-ca = {order = ['street', 'city', 'region', 'postcode', 'country'], delimiters = ['<br>', ', ', '<br>', '<br>']}
 fr-fr = {order = ['street', 'postcode', 'city'], delimiters = ['<br>', ' ', '']}
+nl = {order = ['street', 'postcode', 'city', 'country'], delimiters = ['<br>', ' ', '<br>', '']}
 zh = {order = ['postcode', 'region', 'city', 'street'], delimiters = [' ', ' ', ' ', '']}
 pt-br = {order = ['street', 'city', 'region', 'postcode', 'country'], delimiters = ['<br>', ', ', '<br>', '<br>']}
 il = {order = ['street', 'city', 'postcode', 'country'], delimiters = [', ', '&nbsp;', ' ', '']}

+ 20 - 12

@@ -11,9 +11,14 @@
 {{ $use_form := or $use_netlify_form $use_formspree_form }}
 {{ $use_netlify_captcha := $st.Params.content.form.netlify.captcha | default true }}
+{{ $use_formspree_captcha := $st.Params.content.form.formspree.captcha | default false }}
 {{ $columns := $ | default "2" }}
+{{ if and $use_formspree_form $use_formspree_captcha }}
+  <script src="" async defer></script>
+{{ end }}
 <div class="col-12 {{if eq $columns "2"}}col-lg-8{{end}}">
   {{ with $st.Content }}{{ . }}{{ end }}
@@ -24,14 +29,16 @@
       {{ $post_action = "netlify" }}
     {{ else if $use_formspree_form }}
       {{ if not $ }}
-        {{ errorf "You have chosen to use Formspree as the provider for the contact form. Please set your Formspree Form ID in the Contact widget or disable the form." }}
-        {{ errorf "Documentation:" }}
+        {{ errorf "You have chosen to use Formspree as the provider for the contact form. Please set your Formspree Form ID in the Contact widget or disable the form.\nDocumentation:" }}
+      {{ end }}
+      {{ if and $use_formspree_captcha (not $st.Params.content.form.formspree.captcha_key) }}
+        {{ errorf "You have chosen to use reCAPTCHA for Formspree. Please set your Formspree CAPTCHA KEY in the Contact widget or disable reCAPTCHA.\nDocumentation:" }}
       {{ end }}
       {{ $post_action = printf "action=\"\"" $ }}
-    {{end}}
+    {{ end }}
     <div class="mb-3">
-      <form name="contact" method="POST" {{ $post_action | safeHTMLAttr }} {{ if $use_netlify_form }}netlify-honeypot="welcome-bot"{{end}} {{ if $use_netlify_captcha }}data-netlify-recaptcha="true"{{end}}>
+      <form name="contact" method="POST" {{ $post_action | safeHTMLAttr }} {{ if $use_netlify_form }}netlify-honeypot="_gotcha"{{ end }} {{ if $use_netlify_captcha }}data-netlify-recaptcha="true"{{ end }}>
         <div class="form-group form-inline">
           <label class="sr-only" for="inputName">{{ i18n "contact_name" }}</label>
           <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control w-100" id="inputName" placeholder="{{ i18n "contact_name" | default "Name" }}" required>
@@ -44,18 +51,19 @@
           <label class="sr-only" for="inputMessage">{{ i18n "contact_message" }}</label>
           <textarea name="message" class="form-control" id="inputMessage" rows="5" placeholder="{{ i18n "contact_message" | default "Message" }}" required></textarea>
-        {{ if $use_netlify_form }}
-          <div class="d-none">
-            <label>Do not fill this field unless you are a bot: <input name="welcome-bot"></label>
-          </div>
-          {{ if $use_netlify_captcha }}
-            <div class="form-group" data-netlify-recaptcha="true"></div>
-          {{ end }}
+        <div class="d-none">
+          <label>Do not fill this field unless you are a bot: <input name="_gotcha"></label>
+        </div>
+        {{ if and $use_netlify_form $use_netlify_captcha }} 
+          <div class="form-group" data-netlify-recaptcha="true"></div>
+        {{ else if and $use_formspree_form $use_formspree_captcha }}
+          <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{ $st.Params.content.form.formspree.captcha_key }}"></div>
+          </br>
         {{ end }}
         <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary px-3 py-2 w-100">{{ i18n "contact_send" | default "Send" }}</button>
-  {{end}}
+  {{ end }}
   <ul class="fa-ul">