Переглянути джерело

feat: load gallery from media dir & add gallery display options

Add gallery `order` with options "asc" or "desc"

Add gallery `resize_options` which supports Hugo image processing options.

Move gallery album folders to `assets/media/albums/`. Album name should be defined in shortcode as `album`.

Fix #2245
George Cushen 3 роки тому

+ 20 - 2

@@ -89,8 +89,26 @@
     {{ end }}
     {{ printf "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" integrity=\"%s\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">" (printf $css.fontAwesome.url $css.fontAwesome.version) $css.fontAwesome.sri | safeHTML }}
-    {{/* Workaround `.HasShortcode "gallery"` detection issue on `home/` WidgetPage v1 */}}
-    {{ if .HasShortcode "gallery" | or (and .IsHome (site.Params.require_fancybox | default true)) }}
+    {{/* Workaround `.HasShortcode "gallery"` not parsing page resources (widget page sections) */}}
+    {{ $has_gallery := false }}
+    {{/* Note: unless there is a root `/index.md` with `type: widget_page`, Hugo treats homepage as `page` type. */}}
+    {{ if (eq .Type "widget_page") | or (and .IsHome (eq .Type "page")) }}
+      {{/* Check if widget page sections use a gallery */}}
+      {{ $page := "/home/index.md" }}
+      {{ $context := cond .IsHome (site.GetPage $page) . }}
+      {{ range $context.Resources.ByType "page" }}
+        {{ if .HasShortcode "gallery" }}
+          {{ $has_gallery = true }}
+        {{ end }}
+      {{ end }}
+    {{ else }}
+      {{/* Single page */}}
+      {{ if .HasShortcode "gallery" }}
+        {{ $has_gallery = true }}
+      {{ end }}
+    {{ end }}
+    {{ $scr.Set "HasNestedGalleryShortcode" $has_gallery }}
+    {{ if $has_gallery | or site.Params.require_fancybox }}
       {{ printf "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" integrity=\"%s\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" media=\"print\" onload=\"this.media='all'\">" (printf $css.fancybox.url $css.fancybox.version) $css.fancybox.sri | safeHTML }}
     {{ end }}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
       {{ end }}
       {{/* Workaround `.HasShortcode "gallery"` detection issue on `home/` WidgetPage v1 */}}
-      {{ if .HasShortcode "gallery" | or (and .IsHome (site.Params.require_fancybox | default true)) }}
+      {{ if ($scr.Get "HasNestedGalleryShortcode") | or site.Params.require_fancybox }}
         {{ printf "<script src=\"%s\" integrity=\"%s\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\"></script>" (printf $js.fancybox.url $js.fancybox.version) $js.fancybox.sri | safeHTML }}
       {{ end }}

+ 10 - 16

@@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
 {{/* Gallery Shortcode for Wowchemy. */}}
-{{/* Load gallery images from page dir. */}}
+{{/* Load gallery images from media library. */}}
-{{/* Get album folder or default to `gallery/`. */}}
+{{/* Get album folder or default to `media/albums/gallery/`. */}}
 {{ $album := (.Get "album") | default "gallery" }}
+{{ $album_path := path.Join "media" "albums" $album "*" }}
-{{/* Set image path and page bundle that images are associated with. */}}
-{{ $album_path := "" }}
-{{ $resource_page := "" }}
-{{ if eq .Page.Parent.Type "widget_page" }}
-  {{ $album_path = printf "%s/%s/*" (path.Base (path.Split .Page.Path).Dir) $album }}
-  {{ $resource_page = $.Page.Parent }}
-{{ else }}
-  {{ $album_path = printf "%s/*" $album }}
-  {{ $resource_page = $.Page }}
-{{ end }}
+{{/* Gallery options */}}
+{{ $sort_order := .Get "order" | default "asc" }}
+{{ $resize_options := .Get "resize_options" | default "x190" }}
 <div class="gallery">
   {{/* Attempt to automatically load gallery images from page bundle */}}
-  {{ $images := ($resource_page.Resources.ByType "image").Match $album_path }}
-  {{ range $images }}
-    {{ $image := .Resize "x190" }}
+  {{ $images := resources.Match $album_path }}
+  {{ range (sort $images "Name" $sort_order) }}
+    {{ $image := .Resize $resize_options }}
     {{/* Check if the user set a caption for this image */}}
     {{ $filename := path.Base .Name }}
     {{ $caption := "" }}
@@ -33,7 +27,7 @@
       <img src="{{ $image.RelPermalink }}" loading="lazy" alt="{{ plainify $caption | default $filename }}" width="{{ $image.Width }}" height="{{ $image.Height }}">{{/* Width & height (or low res src) required for lazy loading. */}}
-    {{ errorf "Unable to load gallery in %s." .Page.File.Filename }}
+    {{ errorf "Unable to load gallery `%s` in `%s`." $album_path .Page.File.Filename }}