@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Navigation
+- id: toggle_navigation
+ translation: Bytte navigering
+- id: table_of_contents
+ translation: Innholdsfortegnelse
+- id: on_this_page
+ translation: Innhold
+- id: back_to_top
+ translation: Tilbake til toppen
+# General
+- id: related
+ translation: Relatert
+- id: minute_read
+ translation: min. lesing
+- id: previous
+ translation: Forrige
+- id: next
+ translation: Neste
+- id: figure
+ translation: "Figur %d:"
+- id: edit_page
+ translation: Rediger denne siden
+# Themes
+- id: theme_light
+ translation: Lys
+- id: theme_dark
+ translation: Mørk
+- id: theme_auto
+ translation: Automatisk
+# Buttons
+- id: btn_preprint
+ translation: Opprinnelig manus (preprint)
+- id: btn_pdf
+ translation: PDF
+- id: btn_cite
+ translation: Sitere
+- id: btn_slides
+ translation: Presentasjoner
+- id: btn_video
+ translation: Video
+- id: btn_code
+ translation: Kode
+- id: btn_dataset
+ translation: Datasett
+- id: btn_project
+ translation: Prosjekt
+- id: btn_poster
+ translation: Innlegg
+- id: btn_source
+ translation: Kildedokument
+- id: btn_copy
+ translation: Kopi
+- id: btn_download
+ translation: Last ned
+# About widget
+- id: interests
+ translation: Interesser
+- id: education
+ translation: Utdanning
+- id: user_profile_latest
+ translation: Siste
+# Accomplishments widget
+- id: see_certificate
+ translation: Se sertifikat
+# Experience widget
+- id: present
+ translation: Nå
+# Pages widget
+- id: more_pages
+ translation: Se alle
+- id: more_posts
+ translation: Se alle innlegg
+- id: more_talks
+ translation: Se alle presentasjoner
+- id: more_publications
+ translation: See alle publiseringer
+# Contact widget
+- id: contact_name
+ translation: Navn
+- id: contact_email
+ translation: E-post
+- id: contact_message
+ translation: Melding
+- id: contact_send
+ translation: Send
+- id: book_appointment
+ translation: Be om en avtale
+# Publication/Talk details
+- id: abstract
+ translation: Sammendrag
+- id: publication
+ translation: Publisering
+- id: publication_type
+ translation: Type
+- id: date
+ translation: Dato
+- id: last_updated
+ translation: Sist oppdatert den
+- id: event
+ translation: Arrangement
+- id: location
+ translation: Sted
+- id: pub_uncat
+ translation: Ukategorisert
+- id: pub_conf
+ translation: Konferanseartikkel
+- id: pub_journal
+ translation: Tidskriftsartikel
+- id: pub_preprint
+ translation: Opprinnelig manus (preprint)
+- id: pub_report
+ translation: Rapport
+- id: pub_book
+ translation: Bok
+- id: pub_book_section
+ translation: Bokkapittel
+- id: pub_thesis
+ translation: Oppgave
+- id: pub_patent
+ translation: Patent
+# Project details
+- id: open_project_site
+ translation: Go til prosjektside
+# Content types for default archive page titles and search results
+- id: posts
+ translation: Innlegg
+- id: publications
+ translation: Publiseringer
+- id: talks
+ translation: Foredrag
+- id: projects
+ translation: Prosjekter
+- id: slides
+ translation: Presentasjoner
+# Search
+- id: search
+ translation: Søk
+- id: search_placeholder
+ translation: Søk...
+- id: search_results
+ translation: resultater funnet
+- id: search_no_results
+ translation: Ingen resultater funnet
+# Error 404
+- id: page_not_found
+ translation: Siden ble ikke funnet
+- id: 404_recommendations
+ translation: Kanskje du lette etter noe av dette?
+# Cookie consent
+- id: cookie_message
+ translation: Denne siden bruker informasjonskapsler (cookies) for å bidra til den beste opplevelsen av denne nettsiden.
+- id: cookie_dismiss
+ translation: Skjønner!
+- id: cookie_learn
+ translation: Lær mer