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feat(cms): add support for editing Publications

Close #1631
George Cushen 4 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 81 добавлено и 0 удалено
  1. 81 0

+ 81 - 0

@@ -347,6 +347,87 @@ collections:
           - {label: "Where's the focal point in the image? Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight.", name: focal_point, widget: string, required: false, default: "Smart"}
           - {label: Thumbnail Only?, name: preview_only, widget: boolean, default: false, required: false}
       - {label: "Details", name: "body", widget: "markdown", required: false}
+  - name: publications
+    label: Publications
+    label_singular: Publication
+    folder: 'content/publication'
+    path: '{{slug}}/index'
+    create: true  # Allow users to create new documents in this collection
+    fields: # The fields each document in this collection have
+      - { label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string" }
+      - { label: "Subtitle", name: "subtitle", widget: "string", required: false }
+      - label: "Publication type"
+        name: "publication_types"
+        required: true
+        default: ["0"]
+        widget: "select"
+        # Can only have 1 pub. type assigned, but need `multiple` option to save as a Hugo taxonomy list.
+        multiple: true
+        options:
+          - { label: "Uncategorized", value: "0" }
+          - { label: "Conference paper", value: "1" }
+          - { label: "Journal article", value: "2" }
+          - { label: "Preprint / Working Paper", value: "3" }
+          - { label: "Report", value: "4" }
+          - { label: "Book", value: "5" }
+          - { label: "Book section", value: "6" }
+          - { label: "Thesis", value: "7" }
+          - { label: "Patent", value: "8" }
+      - label: "Authors"
+        name: "authors"
+        required: true
+        widget: "list"
+      - label: "Author Notes (contributions or affiliations for each author)"
+        name: "author_notes"
+        required: false
+        widget: "list"
+      - { label: "DOI", name: "doi", widget: "string", required: false }
+      - { label: "Publication", name: "publication", widget: "string", required: false }
+      - { label: "Publication (abbreviated)", name: "publication_short", widget: "string", required: false }
+      - { label: "Abstract", name: "abstract", widget: "text", required: false }
+      - label: "Draft"
+        name: "draft"
+        widget: "boolean"
+        default: false
+        required: false
+      - label: "Featured"
+        name: "featured"
+        widget: "boolean"
+        default: false
+        required: false
+      - label: "Tags"
+        name: "tags"
+        required: false
+        widget: "list"
+      - label: "Categories"
+        name: "categories"
+        required: false
+        widget: "list"
+      - label: "Projects"
+        name: "projects"
+        required: false
+        widget: "list"
+      - {label: "Markdown slides (reference a deck in 'content/slides/')", name: "slides", widget: "string", required: false}
+      - label: "Featured Image"
+        name: "image"
+        required: false
+        widget: object
+        fields:
+          - label: "Upload an image named `featured.jpg/png`"
+            name: "filename"
+            widget: "image"
+            default: "featured"
+            required: false
+            media_library:
+              config:
+                multiple: false
+          - { label: Caption, name: caption, widget: string, required: false }
+          - { label: Description for screen readers, name: alt_text, widget: string, required: false }
+          - { label: "Where's the focal point in the image? Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight.", name: focal_point, widget: string, required: false, default: "Smart" }
+          - { label: Thumbnail Only?, name: preview_only, widget: boolean, default: false, required: false }
+      - { label: "Summary (shortened abstract)", name: "summary", widget: "text", required: false }
+      - {label: "Details", name: "body", widget: "markdown", required: false}
+      - { label: "Publish this page on", name: "date", widget: "datetime" }
   - name: pages
     label: "Pages"