_index.md 927 B

+++ title = "Xi Ruoyao" superuser = true role = "PhD Student" organizations = [ { name = "School of Space Science and Technology", url = "http://sast.xidian.edu.cn" }, {name = "Laboratory of ICPC", url = "http://acm.xidian.edu.cn" } ] bio = "Retired from ICPC, now a PhD student and an assistant ICPC coach (with no salary)." email = "" interests = [

"Competitive Programming"


[[education.courses]] course = "BEng in Aerospace Science and Technology" insistution = "Xidian University" year = 2017

[[social]] icon = "envelope" icon_pack = "fas" link = "#contact"

[[social]] icon = "researchgate" icon_pack = "ai" link = "//www.researchgate.net/profile/Xi_Ruoyao"

[[social]] icon = "github" icon_pack = "fab" link = "//github.com/xry111"

[[social]] icon = "gitlab" icon_pack = "fab" link = "//gitlab.com/xry111" +++

Xi Ruoyao is just a trivial graduated student of Xidian University.