const Len=181; {181 ~= Sqrt(32767)} Block=32767 div Len; type Ppp=array[0..Len-1] of longint; var LL,A,B:array[0..Block] of ^Ppp; L:Array[1..33000] of boolean; V:array[1..Block+1] of boolean; C:array[1..Block+1,1..2] of longint; ga,gb,q,i,j,k,n,t:longint; E,S,P:longint; procedure Merge(p,q:longint); var i,d,c,i1,i2:longint; begin if p>=q then exit; c:=(p+q) div 2; Merge(p,c); Merge(c+1,q); i1:=p; i2:=c+1; d:=p; while (i1<=c)and(i2<=q) do if B[i1 div Len]^[i1 mod Len]B[g div Len]^[g mod Len] do begin if c>B[g div Len]^[g mod Len] then p:=g+1 else q:=g-1; g:=(p+q) div 2; end; Search:=g; end; begin assign(input,'');reset(input); assign(output,'turnover.out');rewrite(output); read(n); for i:=0 to Block do begin new(A[i]); fillchar(A[i]^,sizeof(A[i]^),0); end; for i:=0 to Block do new(B[i]); for i:=0 to Block do new(LL[i]); for i:=1 to n do read(A[i div Len]^[i mod Len]); for i:=0 to Block do B[i]^:=A[i]^; Merge(1,n); fillchar(l,sizeof(l),false); fillchar(v,sizeof(v),false); for i:=1 to Block+1 do begin C[i,1]:=i*Len; C[i,2]:=(i-1)*Len+1; if C[i,1]>n then C[i,1]:=n; if C[i,2]>n then C[i,2]:=n; end; s:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin P:=A[i div Len]^[i mod Len]; q:=Search(P); k:=(q-1) div Len+1; ga:=0;gb:=0; if V[k] then begin j:=q; while j>=C[k,1] do begin if L[j] then break; dec(j); end; if j>=C[k,1] then gb:=j; j:=q; while j<=C[k,2] do begin if L[j] then break; inc(j); end; if j<=C[k,2] then ga:=j; end; if ga=0 then begin t:=k+1; while t<=(n-1) div Len+1 do begin if V[t] then break; inc(t); end; if t<=(n-1) div Len+1 then begin j:=C[t,1]; ga:=j; end; end; if gb=0 then begin t:=k-1; while t>0 do begin if V[t] then break; dec(t); end; if t>0 then begin j:=C[t,2]; gb:=j; end; end; E:=maxlongint; if (ga=0)and(gb=0) then E:=abs(p); if ga<>0 then if abs(p-B[ga div Len]^[ga mod Len])0 then if abs(p-B[gb div Len]^[gb mod Len])C[k,2] then C[k,2]:=q; S:=S+E; end; writeln(S); close(input);close(output); end.