systemd.xml 32 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
  3. "" [
  4. <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../general.ent">
  5. %general-entities;
  6. ]>
  7. <sect1 id="ch-system-systemd" role="wrap" revision="systemd">
  8. <?dbhtml filename="systemd.html"?>
  9. <sect1info condition="script">
  10. <productname>systemd</productname>
  11. <productnumber>&systemd-version;</productnumber>
  12. <address>&systemd-url;</address>
  13. </sect1info>
  14. <title>Systemd-&systemd-version;</title>
  15. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd">
  16. <primary sortas="a-systemd">systemd</primary>
  17. </indexterm>
  18. <sect2 role="package">
  19. <title/>
  20. <para>The systemd package contains programs for controlling the startup,
  21. running, and shutdown of the system.</para>
  22. <segmentedlist>
  23. <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle>
  24. <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle>
  25. <seglistitem>
  26. <seg>&systemd-fin-sbu;</seg>
  27. <seg>&systemd-fin-du;</seg>
  28. </seglistitem>
  29. </segmentedlist>
  30. </sect2>
  31. <sect2 role="installation">
  32. <title>Installation of systemd</title>
  33. <!--
  34. <para>First, apply a patch to fix the build with GCC-10 and fix a segfault:</para>
  35. <screen><userinput remap="pre">patch -Np1 -i ../systemd-&systemd-version;-gcc_10-fixes-2.patch</userinput></screen>
  36. -->
  37. <!-- For linux-5.11's API headers changing the rfkill_event structure -->
  38. <para>First, apply a patch to fix some regressions and fix functionality
  39. with future versions of the kernel:</para>
  40. <screen><userinput remap="pre">patch -Np1 -i ../systemd-&systemd-version;-upstream_fixes-2.patch</userinput></screen>
  41. <para>Remove tests that cannot be built in chroot:</para>
  42. <screen><userinput remap="pre">sed '181,$ d' -i src/resolve/</userinput></screen>
  43. <para>Remove an unneeded group,
  44. <systemitem class="groupname">render</systemitem>, from the default udev
  45. rules:</para>
  46. <screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i 's/GROUP="render"/GROUP="video"/' rules.d/</userinput></screen>
  47. <para>Prepare systemd for compilation:</para>
  48. <screen><userinput remap="configure">mkdir -p build
  49. cd build
  50. LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \
  51. meson --prefix=/usr \
  52. --sysconfdir=/etc \
  53. --localstatedir=/var \
  54. -Dblkid=true \
  55. -Dbuildtype=release \
  56. -Ddefault-dnssec=no \
  57. -Dfirstboot=false \
  58. -Dinstall-tests=false \
  59. -Dkmod-path=/bin/kmod \
  60. -Dldconfig=false \
  61. -Dmount-path=/bin/mount \
  62. -Drootprefix= \
  63. -Drootlibdir=/lib \
  64. -Dsplit-usr=true \
  65. -Dsulogin-path=/sbin/sulogin \
  66. -Dsysusers=false \
  67. -Dumount-path=/bin/umount \
  68. -Db_lto=false \
  69. -Drpmmacrosdir=no \
  70. -Dhomed=false \
  71. -Duserdb=false \
  72. -Dman=false \
  73. -Dmode=release \
  74. -Ddocdir=/usr/share/doc/systemd-&systemd-version; \
  75. ..</userinput></screen>
  76. <variablelist>
  77. <title>The meaning of the meson options:</title>
  78. <varlistentry>
  79. <term><parameter>-D*-path=*</parameter></term>
  80. <listitem>
  81. <para>These switches provide the location of binaries needed by
  82. systemd at runtime that have not yet been installed.</para>
  83. </listitem>
  84. </varlistentry>
  85. <varlistentry>
  86. <term><parameter>-Ddefault-dnssec=no</parameter></term>
  87. <listitem>
  88. <para>This switch turns off the experimental DNSSEC support.</para>
  89. </listitem>
  90. </varlistentry>
  91. <varlistentry>
  92. <term><parameter>-Dfirstboot=false</parameter></term>
  93. <listitem>
  94. <para>This switch prevents installation of systemd
  95. services responsible for setting up the system for
  96. the first time. They are not useful for LFS because
  97. everything is done manually.</para>
  98. </listitem>
  99. </varlistentry>
  100. <varlistentry>
  101. <term><parameter>-Dinstall-tests=false</parameter></term>
  102. <listitem>
  103. <para>This switch prevents installation of the compiled tests.</para>
  104. </listitem>
  105. </varlistentry>
  106. <varlistentry>
  107. <term><parameter>-Dldconfig=false</parameter></term>
  108. <listitem>
  109. <para>This switch prevents installation of a systemd unit that runs
  110. <command>ldconfig</command> at boot, which is not useful for source
  111. distributions such as LFS and makes the boot time longer. Remove it
  112. if the described feature is desired.</para>
  113. </listitem>
  114. </varlistentry>
  115. <varlistentry>
  116. <term><parameter>-Droot*</parameter></term>
  117. <listitem>
  118. <para>These switches ensure that core programs and
  119. shared libraries are installed in subdirectories
  120. of the root partition.</para>
  121. </listitem>
  122. </varlistentry>
  123. <varlistentry>
  124. <term><parameter>-Dsplit-usr=true</parameter></term>
  125. <listitem>
  126. <para>This switch ensures that systemd will work on
  127. systems where /bin, /lib and /sbin directories are not
  128. symlinks to their /usr counterparts.</para>
  129. </listitem>
  130. </varlistentry>
  131. <varlistentry>
  132. <term><parameter>-Dsysusers=false</parameter></term>
  133. <listitem>
  134. <para>This switch prevents installation of systemd
  135. services responsible for setting up the
  136. <filename>/etc/group</filename> and
  137. <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> files. Both files
  138. were created earlier in this chapter.</para>
  139. </listitem>
  140. </varlistentry>
  141. <varlistentry>
  142. <term><parameter>-Drpmmacrosdir=no</parameter></term>
  143. <listitem>
  144. <para>This switch disables installation of RPM Macros
  145. for use with systemd because LFS does not support RPM.</para>
  146. </listitem>
  147. </varlistentry>
  148. <varlistentry>
  149. <term><parameter>-D{userdb,homed}=false</parameter></term>
  150. <listitem>
  151. <para>Remove two daemons that have dependencies that do not fit
  152. the scope of LFS.</para>
  153. </listitem>
  154. </varlistentry>
  155. <varlistentry>
  156. <term><parameter>-Dman=false</parameter></term>
  157. <listitem>
  158. <para>Prevent the generation of man pages to avoid extra
  159. dependencies. We will install pre-generated man pages for systemd
  160. from a tarball later.</para>
  161. </listitem>
  162. </varlistentry>
  163. <varlistentry>
  164. <term><parameter>-Dmode=release</parameter></term>
  165. <listitem>
  166. <para>Disable some features considered experimental by upstream.
  167. </para>
  168. </listitem>
  169. </varlistentry>
  170. </variablelist>
  171. <para>Compile the package:</para>
  172. <screen><userinput remap="make">LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ninja</userinput></screen>
  173. <para>Install the package:</para>
  174. <screen><userinput remap="install">LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ninja install</userinput></screen>
  175. <para>Install the man pages:</para>
  176. <screen><userinput remap="install">tar -xf ../../systemd-man-pages-&systemd-man-version;.tar.xz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/share/man</userinput></screen>
  177. <para>Remove a useless directory:</para>
  178. <screen><userinput remap="install">rm -rf /usr/lib/pam.d</userinput></screen>
  179. <para>Create the <filename>/etc/machine-id</filename> file needed by
  180. <command>systemd-journald</command>:</para>
  181. <screen><userinput remap="adjust">systemd-machine-id-setup</userinput></screen>
  182. <para>Setup the basic target structure:</para>
  183. <screen><userinput remap="adjust">systemctl preset-all</userinput></screen>
  184. <para>Disable a service that is known to cause problems with systems that
  185. use a network configuration other than what is provided by
  186. systemd-networkd:</para>
  187. <!-- Observed halting startup with dhcpcd handling the primary NIC -->
  188. <screen><userinput remap="adjust">systemctl disable systemd-time-wait-sync.service</userinput></screen>
  189. <!-- dev: 50-pid-max.conf is not removed in BLFS, so I commented the following out.
  190. If it causes any trouble, we can add this back and also copy it into BLFS -->
  191. <!--
  192. <para>Prevent systemd from resetting the maximum PID value which causes
  193. some problems with packages and units in BLFS:</para>
  194. <screen><userinput remap="adjust">rm -f /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-pid-max.conf</userinput></screen>
  195. -->
  196. </sect2>
  197. <sect2 id="contents-systemd" role="content">
  198. <title>Contents of systemd</title>
  199. <segmentedlist>
  200. <segtitle>Installed programs</segtitle>
  201. <segtitle>Installed libraries</segtitle>
  202. <segtitle>Installed directories</segtitle>
  203. <seglistitem>
  204. <seg>bootctl, busctl, coredumpctl, halt (symlink to systemctl),
  205. hostnamectl, init, journalctl, kernel-install, localectl, loginctl,
  206. machinectl, networkctl, portablectl, poweroff (symlink to
  207. systemctl), reboot (symlink to systemctl), resolvconf (symlink to
  208. resolvectl), resolvectl, runlevel (symlink to systemctl), shutdown
  209. (symlink to systemctl), systemctl, systemd-analyze,
  210. systemd-ask-password, systemd-cat, systemd-cgls, systemd-cgtop,
  211. systemd-delta, systemd-detect-virt, systemd-dissect, systemd-escape,
  212. systemd-hwdb, systemd-id128, systemd-inhibit, systemd-machine-id-setup,
  213. systemd-mount, systemd-notify, systemd-nspawn, systemd-path,
  214. systemd-repart, systemd-resolve (symlink to resolvectl), systemd-run,
  215. systemd-socket-activate, systemd-stdio-bridge, systemd-tmpfiles,
  216. systemd-tty-ask-password-agent, systemd-umount (symlink to
  217. systemd-mount), telinit (symlink to systemctl), timedatectl, and
  218. udevadm</seg>
  219. <seg>,,
  221., libsystemd-shared-&systemd-version;.so (in /lib/systemd),
  222. and</seg>
  223. <seg>/etc/binfmt.d, /etc/init.d, /etc/kernel, /etc/modules-load.d,
  224. /etc/sysctl.d, /etc/systemd, /etc/tmpfiles.d, /etc/udev,
  225. /etc/xdg/systemd, /lib/systemd, /lib/udev, /usr/include/systemd,
  226. /usr/lib/binfmt.d, /usr/lib/environment.d, /usr/lib/kernel,
  227. /usr/lib/modules-load.d, /usr/lib/sysctl.d, /usr/lib/systemd,
  228. /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d,
  229. /usr/share/doc/systemd-&systemd-version;, /usr/share/factory,
  230. /usr/share/systemd, /var/lib/systemd, and /var/log/journal</seg>
  231. </seglistitem>
  232. </segmentedlist>
  233. <variablelist>
  234. <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
  235. <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
  236. <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
  237. <varlistentry id="bootctl">
  238. <term><command>bootctl</command></term>
  239. <listitem>
  240. <para>Is used to query the firmware and boot manager settings</para>
  241. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd bootctl">
  242. <primary sortas="b-bootctl">bootctl</primary>
  243. </indexterm>
  244. </listitem>
  245. </varlistentry>
  246. <varlistentry id="busctl">
  247. <term><command>busctl</command></term>
  248. <listitem>
  249. <para>Is used to introspect and monitor the D-Bus bus</para>
  250. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd busctl">
  251. <primary sortas="b-busctl">busctl</primary>
  252. </indexterm>
  253. </listitem>
  254. </varlistentry>
  255. <varlistentry id="coredumpctl">
  256. <term><command>coredumpctl</command></term>
  257. <listitem>
  258. <para>Is used to retrieve coredumps from the systemd journal</para>
  259. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd coredumpctl">
  260. <primary sortas="b-coredumpctl">coredumpctl</primary>
  261. </indexterm>
  262. </listitem>
  263. </varlistentry>
  264. <varlistentry id="halt">
  265. <term><command>halt</command></term>
  266. <listitem>
  267. <para>Normally invokes <command>shutdown</command> with the
  268. <parameter>-h</parameter> option, except when already in run-level 0,
  269. then it tells the kernel to halt the system; it notes in the
  270. file <filename>/var/log/wtmp</filename> that the system is being
  271. brought down</para>
  272. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd halt">
  273. <primary sortas="b-halt">halt</primary>
  274. </indexterm>
  275. </listitem>
  276. </varlistentry>
  277. <varlistentry id="hostnamectl">
  278. <term><command>hostnamectl</command></term>
  279. <listitem>
  280. <para>Is used to query and change the system hostname and related
  281. settings</para>
  282. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd hostnamectl">
  283. <primary sortas="b-hostnamectl">hostnamectl</primary>
  284. </indexterm>
  285. </listitem>
  286. </varlistentry>
  287. <varlistentry id="init">
  288. <term><command>init</command></term>
  289. <listitem>
  290. <para>Is the first process to be started when the kernel has initialized
  291. the hardware which takes over the boot process and starts all
  292. processes according to its configuration files. In this case, it starts
  293. systemd</para>
  294. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd init">
  295. <primary sortas="b-init">init</primary>
  296. </indexterm>
  297. </listitem>
  298. </varlistentry>
  299. <varlistentry id="journalctl">
  300. <term><command>journalctl</command></term>
  301. <listitem>
  302. <para>Is used to query the contents of the systemd journal</para>
  303. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd journalctl">
  304. <primary sortas="b-journalctl">journalctl</primary>
  305. </indexterm>
  306. </listitem>
  307. </varlistentry>
  308. <varlistentry id="kernel-install">
  309. <term><command>kernel-install</command></term>
  310. <listitem>
  311. <para>Is used to add and remove kernel and initramfs images to and
  312. from /boot. In LFS, this is done manually</para>
  313. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd kernel-install">
  314. <primary sortas="b-kernel-install">kernel-install</primary>
  315. </indexterm>
  316. </listitem>
  317. </varlistentry>
  318. <varlistentry id="localectl">
  319. <term><command>localectl</command></term>
  320. <listitem>
  321. <para>Is used to query and change the system locale and keyboard layout
  322. settings</para>
  323. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd localectl">
  324. <primary sortas="b-localectl">localectl</primary>
  325. </indexterm>
  326. </listitem>
  327. </varlistentry>
  328. <varlistentry id="loginctl">
  329. <term><command>loginctl</command></term>
  330. <listitem>
  331. <para>Is used to introspect and control the state of the systemd Login
  332. Manager</para>
  333. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd loginctl">
  334. <primary sortas="b-loginctl">loginctl</primary>
  335. </indexterm>
  336. </listitem>
  337. </varlistentry>
  338. <varlistentry id="machinectl">
  339. <term><command>machinectl</command></term>
  340. <listitem>
  341. <para>Is used to introspect and control the state of the systemd Virtual
  342. Machine and Container Registration Manager</para>
  343. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd machinectl">
  344. <primary sortas="b-machinectl">machinectl</primary>
  345. </indexterm>
  346. </listitem>
  347. </varlistentry>
  348. <varlistentry id="networkctl">
  349. <term><command>networkctl</command></term>
  350. <listitem>
  351. <para>Is used to introspect and configure the state of the network
  352. links configured by systemd-networkd</para>
  353. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd networkctl">
  354. <primary sortas="b-networkctl">networkctl</primary>
  355. </indexterm>
  356. </listitem>
  357. </varlistentry>
  358. <varlistentry id="portablectl">
  359. <term><command>portablectl</command></term>
  360. <listitem>
  361. <para>Is used to attach or detach portable services from the local
  362. system</para>
  363. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd portablectl">
  364. <primary sortas="b-portablectl">portablectl</primary>
  365. </indexterm>
  366. </listitem>
  367. </varlistentry>
  368. <varlistentry id="poweroff">
  369. <term><command>poweroff</command></term>
  370. <listitem>
  371. <para>Instructs the kernel to halt the system and switch off the computer
  372. (see <command>halt</command>)</para>
  373. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd poweroff">
  374. <primary sortas="b-poweroff">poweroff</primary>
  375. </indexterm>
  376. </listitem>
  377. </varlistentry>
  378. <varlistentry id="reboot">
  379. <term><command>reboot</command></term>
  380. <listitem>
  381. <para>Instructs the kernel to reboot the system (see
  382. <command>halt</command>)</para>
  383. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd reboot">
  384. <primary sortas="b-reboot">reboot</primary>
  385. </indexterm>
  386. </listitem>
  387. </varlistentry>
  388. <varlistentry id="resolvconf">
  389. <term><command>resolvconf</command></term>
  390. <listitem>
  391. <para>Registers DNS server and domain configuration with
  392. <command>systemd-resolved</command></para>
  393. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd resolvconf">
  394. <primary sortas="b-resolvconf">resolvconf</primary>
  395. </indexterm>
  396. </listitem>
  397. </varlistentry>
  398. <varlistentry id="resolvectl">
  399. <term><command>resolvectl</command></term>
  400. <listitem>
  401. <para>Sends control commands to the network name resolution
  402. manager, or resolves domain names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,
  403. DNS records, and services</para>
  404. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd resolvectl">
  405. <primary sortas="b-resolvectl">resolvectl</primary>
  406. </indexterm>
  407. </listitem>
  408. </varlistentry>
  409. <varlistentry id="runlevel">
  410. <term><command>runlevel</command></term>
  411. <listitem>
  412. <para>Outputs the previous and the current run-level, as noted in the
  413. last run-level record in <filename>/run/utmp</filename></para>
  414. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd runlevel">
  415. <primary sortas="b-runlevel">runlevel</primary>
  416. </indexterm>
  417. </listitem>
  418. </varlistentry>
  419. <varlistentry id="shutdown">
  420. <term><command>shutdown</command></term>
  421. <listitem>
  422. <para>Brings the system down in a safe and secure manner, signaling
  423. all processes and notifying all logged-in users</para>
  424. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd shutdown">
  425. <primary sortas="b-shutdown">shutdown</primary>
  426. </indexterm>
  427. </listitem>
  428. </varlistentry>
  429. <varlistentry id="systemctl">
  430. <term><command>systemctl</command></term>
  431. <listitem>
  432. <para>Is used to introspect and control the state of the systemd system
  433. and service manager</para>
  434. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemctl">
  435. <primary sortas="b-systemctl">systemctl</primary>
  436. </indexterm>
  437. </listitem>
  438. </varlistentry>
  439. <varlistentry id="systemd-analyze">
  440. <term><command>systemd-analyze</command></term>
  441. <listitem>
  442. <para>Is used to determine system startup performance of the current
  443. boot, as well as identify troublesome systemd units</para>
  444. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-analyze">
  445. <primary sortas="b-systemd-analyze">systemd-analyze</primary>
  446. </indexterm>
  447. </listitem>
  448. </varlistentry>
  449. <varlistentry id="systemd-ask-password">
  450. <term><command>systemd-ask-password</command></term>
  451. <listitem>
  452. <para>Is used to query a system password or passphrase from the user,
  453. using a question message specified on the command line</para>
  454. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-ask-password">
  455. <primary sortas="b-systemd-ask-password">systemd-ask-password</primary>
  456. </indexterm>
  457. </listitem>
  458. </varlistentry>
  459. <varlistentry id="systemd-cat">
  460. <term><command>systemd-cat</command></term>
  461. <listitem>
  462. <para>Is used to connect the STDOUT and STDERR outputs of a process
  463. with the systemd journal
  464. </para>
  465. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-cat">
  466. <primary sortas="b-systemd-cat">systemd-cat</primary>
  467. </indexterm>
  468. </listitem>
  469. </varlistentry>
  470. <varlistentry id="systemd-cgls">
  471. <term><command>systemd-cgls</command></term>
  472. <listitem>
  473. <para>Recursively shows the contents of the selected Linux control
  474. group hierarchy in a tree</para>
  475. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-cgls">
  476. <primary sortas="b-systemd-cgls">systemd-cgls</primary>
  477. </indexterm>
  478. </listitem>
  479. </varlistentry>
  480. <varlistentry id="systemd-cgtop">
  481. <term><command>systemd-cgtop</command></term>
  482. <listitem>
  483. <para>Shows the top control groups of the local Linux control group
  484. hierarchy, ordered by their CPU, memory and disk I/O load</para>
  485. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-cgtop">
  486. <primary sortas="b-systemd-cgtop">systemd-cgtop</primary>
  487. </indexterm>
  488. </listitem>
  489. </varlistentry>
  490. <varlistentry id="systemd-delta">
  491. <term><command>systemd-delta</command></term>
  492. <listitem>
  493. <para>Is used to identify and compare configuration files in
  494. <filename class="directory">/etc</filename> that override default
  495. counterparts in <filename class="directory">/usr</filename></para>
  496. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-delta">
  497. <primary sortas="b-systemd-delta">systemd-delta</primary>
  498. </indexterm>
  499. </listitem>
  500. </varlistentry>
  501. <varlistentry id="systemd-detect-virt">
  502. <term><command>systemd-detect-virt</command></term>
  503. <listitem>
  504. <para>Detects whether the system is being run in a virtual
  505. environment, and adjusts udev accordingly</para>
  506. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-detect-virt">
  507. <primary sortas="b-systemd-detect-virt">systemd-detect-virt</primary>
  508. </indexterm>
  509. </listitem>
  510. </varlistentry>
  511. <varlistentry id="systemd-dissect">
  512. <term><command>systemd-dissect</command></term>
  513. <listitem>
  514. <para>Is used to inspect OS disk images</para>
  515. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-dissect">
  516. <primary sortas="b-systemd-dissect">systemd-dissect</primary>
  517. </indexterm>
  518. </listitem>
  519. </varlistentry>
  520. <varlistentry id="systemd-escape">
  521. <term><command>systemd-escape</command></term>
  522. <listitem>
  523. <para>Is used to escape strings for inclusion in systemd unit
  524. names</para>
  525. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-escape">
  526. <primary sortas="b-systemd-escape">systemd-escape</primary>
  527. </indexterm>
  528. </listitem>
  529. </varlistentry>
  530. <varlistentry id="systemd-hwdb">
  531. <term><command>systemd-hwdb</command></term>
  532. <listitem>
  533. <para>Is used to manage the hardware database (hwdb)</para>
  534. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-hwdb">
  535. <primary sortas="b-systemd-hwdb">systemd-hwdb</primary>
  536. </indexterm>
  537. </listitem>
  538. </varlistentry>
  539. <varlistentry id="systemd-id128">
  540. <term><command>systemd-id128</command></term>
  541. <listitem>
  542. <para>Generates and prints id128 strings</para>
  543. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-id128">
  544. <primary sortas="b-systemd-id128">systemd-id128</primary>
  545. </indexterm>
  546. </listitem>
  547. </varlistentry>
  548. <varlistentry id="systemd-inhibit">
  549. <term><command>systemd-inhibit</command></term>
  550. <listitem>
  551. <para>Is used to execute a program with a shutdown, sleep or idle
  552. inhibitor lock taken, preventing an action such as a system shutdown
  553. until the process is completed</para>
  554. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-inhibit">
  555. <primary sortas="b-systemd-inhibit">systemd-inhibit</primary>
  556. </indexterm>
  557. </listitem>
  558. </varlistentry>
  559. <varlistentry id="systemd-machine-id-setup">
  560. <term><command>systemd-machine-id-setup</command></term>
  561. <listitem>
  562. <para>Is used by system installer tools to initialize the machine ID
  563. stored in <filename>/etc/machine-id</filename> at install time with a
  564. randomly generated ID</para>
  565. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-machine-id-setup">
  566. <primary sortas="b-systemd-machine-id-setup">systemd-machine-id-setup</primary>
  567. </indexterm>
  568. </listitem>
  569. </varlistentry>
  570. <varlistentry id="systemd-mount">
  571. <term><command>systemd-mount</command></term>
  572. <listitem>
  573. <para>Is used to temporarily mount or automount disks</para>
  574. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-mount">
  575. <primary sortas="b-systemd-mount">systemd-mount</primary>
  576. </indexterm>
  577. </listitem>
  578. </varlistentry>
  579. <varlistentry id="systemd-notify">
  580. <term><command>systemd-notify</command></term>
  581. <listitem>
  582. <para>Is used by daemon scripts to notify the init system about status
  583. changes</para>
  584. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-notify">
  585. <primary sortas="b-systemd-notify">systemd-notify</primary>
  586. </indexterm>
  587. </listitem>
  588. </varlistentry>
  589. <varlistentry id="systemd-nspawn">
  590. <term><command>systemd-nspawn</command></term>
  591. <listitem>
  592. <para>Is used to run a command or OS in a light-weight namespace
  593. container</para>
  594. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-nspawn">
  595. <primary sortas="b-systemd-nspawn">systemd-nspawn</primary>
  596. </indexterm>
  597. </listitem>
  598. </varlistentry>
  599. <varlistentry id="systemd-path">
  600. <term><command>systemd-path</command></term>
  601. <listitem>
  602. <para>Is used to query system and user paths</para>
  603. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-path">
  604. <primary sortas="b-systemd-path">systemd-path</primary>
  605. </indexterm>
  606. </listitem>
  607. </varlistentry>
  608. <varlistentry id="systemd-repart">
  609. <term><command>systemd-repart</command></term>
  610. <listitem>
  611. <para>Is used to grow and add partitions to a partition table when
  612. systemd is used in an OS image (e.g. a container)</para>
  613. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-repart">
  614. <primary sortas="b-systemd-repart">systemd-repart</primary>
  615. </indexterm>
  616. </listitem>
  617. </varlistentry>
  618. <varlistentry id="systemd-resolve">
  619. <term><command>systemd-resolve</command></term>
  620. <listitem>
  621. <para>Is used to resolve domain names, IPV4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS
  622. resource records, and services</para>
  623. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-resolve">
  624. <primary sortas="b-systemd-resolve">systemd-resolve</primary>
  625. </indexterm>
  626. </listitem>
  627. </varlistentry>
  628. <varlistentry id="systemd-run">
  629. <term><command>systemd-run</command></term>
  630. <listitem>
  631. <para>Is used to create and start a transient .service or a .scope
  632. unit and run the specified command in it. This is useful for
  633. validating systemd units</para>
  634. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-run">
  635. <primary sortas="b-systemd-run">systemd-run</primary>
  636. </indexterm>
  637. </listitem>
  638. </varlistentry>
  639. <varlistentry id="systemd-socket-activate">
  640. <term><command>systemd-socket-activate</command></term>
  641. <listitem>
  642. <para>Is used to listen on socket devices and launch a process upon
  643. a successful connection to the socket</para>
  644. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-socket-activate">
  645. <primary sortas="b-systemd-socket-activate">systemd-socket-activate</primary>
  646. </indexterm>
  647. </listitem>
  648. </varlistentry>
  649. <varlistentry id="systemd-tmpfiles">
  650. <term><command>systemd-tmpfiles</command></term>
  651. <listitem>
  652. <para>Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary files and
  653. directories, based on the configuration file format and location
  654. specified in
  655. <filename class="directory">tmpfiles.d</filename> directories</para>
  656. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-tmpfiles">
  657. <primary sortas="b-systemd-tmpfiles">systemd-tmpfiles</primary>
  658. </indexterm>
  659. </listitem>
  660. </varlistentry>
  661. <varlistentry id="systemd-umount">
  662. <term><command>systemd-umount</command></term>
  663. <listitem>
  664. <para>Unmounts mount points</para>
  665. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-umount">
  666. <primary sortas="b-systemd-umount">systemd-umount</primary>
  667. </indexterm>
  668. </listitem>
  669. </varlistentry>
  670. <varlistentry id="systemd-tty-ask-password-agent">
  671. <term><command>systemd-tty-ask-password-agent</command></term>
  672. <listitem>
  673. <para>Is used to list and/or process pending systemd password
  674. requests</para>
  675. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd systemd-tty-ask-password-agent">
  676. <primary sortas="b-systemd-tty-ask-password-agent">systemd-tty-ask-password-agent</primary>
  677. </indexterm>
  678. </listitem>
  679. </varlistentry>
  680. <varlistentry id="telinit">
  681. <term><command>telinit</command></term>
  682. <listitem>
  683. <para>Tells <command>init</command> which run-level to change
  684. to</para>
  685. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd telinit">
  686. <primary sortas="b-telinit">telinit</primary>
  687. </indexterm>
  688. </listitem>
  689. </varlistentry>
  690. <varlistentry id="timedatectl">
  691. <term><command>timedatectl</command></term>
  692. <listitem>
  693. <para>Is used to query and change the system clock and its settings
  694. </para>
  695. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd timedatectl">
  696. <primary sortas="b-timedatectl">timedatectl</primary>
  697. </indexterm>
  698. </listitem>
  699. </varlistentry>
  700. <varlistentry id="udevadm">
  701. <term><command>udevadm</command></term>
  702. <listitem>
  703. <para>Is a generic udev administration tool which controls the udevd
  704. daemon, provides info from the Udev hardware database, monitors
  705. uevents, waits for uevents to finish, tests udev configuration, and
  706. triggers uevents for a given device</para>
  707. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd udevadm">
  708. <primary sortas="b-udevadm">udevadm</primary>
  709. </indexterm>
  710. </listitem>
  711. </varlistentry>
  712. <varlistentry id="libsystemd">
  713. <term><filename class="libraryfile">libsystemd</filename></term>
  714. <listitem>
  715. <para>Is the main systemd utility library</para>
  716. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd libsystemd">
  717. <primary sortas="c-libsystemd">libsystemd</primary>
  718. </indexterm>
  719. </listitem>
  720. </varlistentry>
  721. <varlistentry id="libudev">
  722. <term><filename class="libraryfile">libudev</filename></term>
  723. <listitem>
  724. <para>Is a library to access Udev device information</para>
  725. <indexterm zone="ch-system-systemd libudev">
  726. <primary sortas="c-libudev">libudev</primary>
  727. </indexterm>
  728. </listitem>
  729. </varlistentry>
  730. </variablelist>
  731. </sect2>
  732. </sect1>