NEWS.xml 8.6 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <article>
  3. <info>
  4. <abstract>
  5. <para><emphasis role="strong">Note:</emphasis> This
  6. document lists changes only since the 1.78.0 release.
  7. If you instead want a record of the complete list of
  8. changes for the codebase over its entire history, you
  9. can obtain one by running the following commands:
  10. <screen> <code>svn checkout</code>
  11. <code>svn log --xml --verbose xsl &gt; ChangeHistory.xml</code></screen></para>
  12. </abstract>
  13. </info><title>Changes since the 1.78.0 release</title>
  14. <sect1 xml:id="V1.78.1">
  15. <title>Release Notes: 1.78.1</title>
  16. <para>The following is a list of changes that have been made
  17. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  18. <sect2 xml:id="V1.78.1_Common">
  19. <title>Common</title>
  20. <para>The following changes have been made to the
  21. <filename>common</filename> code
  22. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  23. <itemizedlist>
  24. <listitem>
  25. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: titles.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Make sure part and set <tag>titleabbrev</tag> are used in mode="titleabbrev.markup"</phrase></screen>
  26. </listitem>
  27. <listitem>
  28. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: titles.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Add empty default template for <tag>titleabbrev</tag> since it is always processed in a mode.</phrase></screen>
  29. </listitem>
  30. <listitem>
  31. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: gentext.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Make consistent handling of <tag>titleabbrev</tag> in xrefs.</phrase></screen>
  32. </listitem>
  33. <listitem>
  34. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: titles.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">for missing <tag>title</tag> in <tag>xref</tag>, provide parent information of target to help locate problem element.
  35. Process <tag>bridgehead</tag> in mode="title.markup", not normal mode.</phrase></screen>
  36. </listitem>
  37. <listitem>
  38. <para><literal>Jirka Kosek: l10n.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Fixed bug #3598963</phrase></screen>
  39. </listitem>
  40. <listitem>
  41. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: gentext.xsl; labels.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Make sure bridgeheads are not numbered in all contexts, including html <tag>title</tag> attributes.</phrase></screen>
  42. </listitem>
  43. </itemizedlist>
  44. </sect2><!--end of Common changes for 1.78.1-->
  45. <sect2 xml:id="V1.78.1_FO">
  46. <title>FO</title>
  47. <para>The following changes have been made to the
  48. <filename>fo</filename> code
  49. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  50. <itemizedlist>
  51. <listitem>
  52. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: division.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Fix bug where part <tag>TOC</tag> not generated when <tag>partintro</tag> is present.</phrase></screen>
  53. </listitem>
  54. <listitem>
  55. <para><literal>Jirka Kosek: xref.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Footnotes can't be placed into fo:float</phrase></screen>
  56. </listitem>
  57. <listitem>
  58. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: titlepage.templates.xml</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Remove margin-left when start-indent is used because they interfere
  59. with each other.</phrase></screen>
  60. </listitem>
  61. <listitem>
  62. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: fo.xsl; pagesetup.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Use dingbat.fontset rather than <parameter></parameter> so it falls
  63. back to <tag>symbol</tag> font if glyph not found, like other font properties.</phrase></screen>
  64. </listitem>
  65. <listitem>
  66. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: inline.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Change last instance of inline.charseq in inline <tag>glossterm</tag> to
  67. inline.italicseq so it is consistent with the others.</phrase></screen>
  68. </listitem>
  69. <listitem>
  70. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: xref.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Make consistent handling of <tag>titleabbrev</tag> in xrefs.</phrase></screen>
  71. </listitem>
  72. </itemizedlist>
  73. </sect2><!--end of FO changes for 1.78.1-->
  74. <sect2 xml:id="V1.78.1_HTML">
  75. <title>HTML</title>
  76. <para>The following changes have been made to the
  77. <filename>html</filename> code
  78. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  79. <itemizedlist>
  80. <listitem>
  81. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: admon.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Turn off $ if $make.clean.html is set to non-zero.</phrase></screen>
  82. </listitem>
  83. <listitem>
  84. <para><literal>Jirka Kosek: highlight.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Added new definitions for syntax highlighting</phrase></screen>
  85. </listitem>
  86. <listitem>
  87. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: chunk-common.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Make active.olink.hrefs param work for chunked output too.</phrase></screen>
  88. </listitem>
  89. <listitem>
  90. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: xref.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Make consistent handling of <tag>titleabbrev</tag> in xrefs.</phrase></screen>
  91. </listitem>
  92. <listitem>
  93. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: graphics.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Add round() <tag>function</tag> when pixel counts are used for image width and height.</phrase></screen>
  94. </listitem>
  95. <listitem>
  96. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: glossary.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">fix missing class and id attributes on <tag>glossterm</tag> and <tag>glossdef</tag>.</phrase></screen>
  97. </listitem>
  98. <listitem>
  99. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: autoidx.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Fix bug where prefer.index.titleabbrev ignored <tag>info</tag>/<tag>titleabbrev</tag>.</phrase></screen>
  100. </listitem>
  101. </itemizedlist>
  102. </sect2><!--end of HTML changes for 1.78.1-->
  103. <sect2 xml:id="V1.78.1_Manpages">
  104. <title>Manpages</title>
  105. <para>The following changes have been made to the
  106. <filename>manpages</filename> code
  107. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  108. <itemizedlist>
  109. <listitem>
  110. <para><literal>Robert Stayton: utility.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Fix bug 3599520: spurious newline in <tag>para</tag> when starts with
  111. whitespace and inline element.</phrase></screen>
  112. </listitem>
  113. </itemizedlist>
  114. </sect2><!--end of Manpages changes for 1.78.1-->
  115. <sect2 xml:id="V1.78.1_Webhelp">
  116. <title>Webhelp</title>
  117. <para>The following changes have been made to the
  118. <filename>webhelp</filename> code
  119. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  120. <itemizedlist>
  121. <listitem>
  122. <para><literal>David Cramer: xsl/webhelp-common.xsl</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Webhelp: Fix test for <parameter></parameter> param</phrase></screen>
  123. </listitem>
  124. <listitem>
  125. <para><literal>David Cramer: Makefile.sample</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Webhelp: Fix order of args to xsltproc</phrase></screen>
  126. </listitem>
  127. <listitem>
  128. <para><literal>David Cramer: docsrc/readme.xml</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Webhelp: Turn on xinclude-test.xml in readme to demo xinclude functionality</phrase></screen>
  129. </listitem>
  130. <listitem>
  131. <para><literal>David Cramer: Makefile; Makefile.sample</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Webhelp: In Makefiles, do xinclude in first pass at document</phrase></screen>
  132. </listitem>
  133. </itemizedlist>
  134. </sect2><!--end of Webhelp changes for 1.78.1-->
  135. <sect2 xml:id="V1.78.1_Params">
  136. <title>Params</title>
  137. <para>The following changes have been made to the
  138. <filename>params</filename> code
  139. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  140. <itemizedlist>
  141. <listitem>
  142. <para><literal>David Cramer:</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Webhelp: Fix test for <parameter></parameter> param</phrase></screen>
  143. </listitem>
  144. <listitem>
  145. <para><literal>Robert Stayton:</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Remove unneeded margin-left property from <tag>article</tag> <tag>appendix</tag> <tag>title</tag>.
  146. It interferes with the start-indent property.</phrase></screen>
  147. </listitem>
  148. </itemizedlist>
  149. </sect2><!--end of Params changes for 1.78.1-->
  150. <sect2 xml:id="V1.78.1_Highlighting">
  151. <title>Highlighting</title>
  152. <para>The following changes have been made to the
  153. <filename>highlighting</filename> code
  154. since the 1.78.0 release.</para>
  155. <itemizedlist>
  156. <listitem>
  157. <para><literal>Jirka Kosek: c-hl.xml; cpp-hl.xml; sql2003-hl.xml; php-hl.xml; upc-hl.xml; bourne-hl.xml; ⋯</literal></para><screen><phrase role="commit-message">Added new definitions for syntax highlighting</phrase></screen>
  158. </listitem>
  159. </itemizedlist>
  160. </sect2><!--end of Highlighting changes for 1.78.1-->
  161. </sect1>
  162. </article>