keyboard.rng 12 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!--
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  26. <grammar ns="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:rng="" xmlns:ctrl="" xmlns="">
  27. <define name="db.domain.inlines" combine="choice">
  28. <ref name="db.keyboard.inlines"/>
  29. </define>
  30. <define name="db.userinput.inlines" combine="choice">
  31. <ref name="db.keyboard.inlines"/>
  32. </define>
  33. <define name="db.keyboard.inlines">
  34. <choice>
  35. <ref name="db.keycombo"/>
  36. <ref name="db.keycap"/>
  37. <ref name="db.keycode"/>
  38. <ref name="db.keysym"/>
  39. <ref name="db.shortcut"/>
  40. <ref name="db.accel"/>
  41. </choice>
  42. </define>
  43. <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  44. <div>
  45. <db:refname>keycap</db:refname>
  46. <db:refpurpose>The text printed on a key on a keyboard</db:refpurpose>
  47. <ctrl:other-attribute name="db.keycap.function.attrib" enum-name="db.keycap.function-enum.attribute" other-name="db.keycap.function-other.attributes"/>
  48. <define name="db.keycap.function.enumeration">
  49. <choice>
  50. <value>alt</value>
  51. <a:documentation>The "Alt" key</a:documentation>
  52. <value>backspace</value>
  53. <a:documentation>The "Backspace" key</a:documentation>
  54. <value>command</value>
  55. <a:documentation>The "Command" key</a:documentation>
  56. <value>control</value>
  57. <a:documentation>The "Control" key</a:documentation>
  58. <value>delete</value>
  59. <a:documentation>The "Delete" key</a:documentation>
  60. <value>down</value>
  61. <a:documentation>The down arrow</a:documentation>
  62. <value>end</value>
  63. <a:documentation>The "End" key</a:documentation>
  64. <value>enter</value>
  65. <a:documentation>The "Enter" or "Return" key</a:documentation>
  66. <value>escape</value>
  67. <a:documentation>The "Escape" key</a:documentation>
  68. <value>home</value>
  69. <a:documentation>The "Home" key</a:documentation>
  70. <value>insert</value>
  71. <a:documentation>The "Insert" key</a:documentation>
  72. <value>left</value>
  73. <a:documentation>The left arrow</a:documentation>
  74. <value>meta</value>
  75. <a:documentation>The "Meta" key</a:documentation>
  76. <value>option</value>
  77. <a:documentation>The "Option" key</a:documentation>
  78. <value>pagedown</value>
  79. <a:documentation>The page down key</a:documentation>
  80. <value>pageup</value>
  81. <a:documentation>The page up key</a:documentation>
  82. <value>right</value>
  83. <a:documentation>The right arrow</a:documentation>
  84. <value>shift</value>
  85. <a:documentation>The "Shift" key</a:documentation>
  86. <value>space</value>
  87. <a:documentation>The spacebar</a:documentation>
  88. <value>tab</value>
  89. <a:documentation>The "Tab" key</a:documentation>
  90. <value>up</value>
  91. <a:documentation>The up arrow</a:documentation>
  92. </choice>
  93. </define>
  94. <define name="db.keycap.function-enum.attribute">
  95. <optional>
  96. <attribute name="function">
  97. <db:refpurpose>Identifies the function key</db:refpurpose>
  98. <ref name="db.keycap.function.enumeration"/>
  99. </attribute>
  100. </optional>
  101. </define>
  102. <define name="db.keycap.function-other.attributes">
  103. <optional>
  104. <attribute name="function">
  105. <db:refpurpose>Identifies the function key</db:refpurpose>
  106. <value>other</value>
  107. <a:documentation>Indicates a non-standard function key</a:documentation>
  108. </attribute>
  109. </optional>
  110. <attribute name="otherfunction">
  111. <db:refpurpose>Specifies a keyword that identifies the non-standard key</db:refpurpose>
  112. </attribute>
  113. </define>
  114. <define name="db.keycap.function.attrib">
  115. <choice>
  116. <ref name="db.keycap.function-enum.attribute"/>
  117. <ref name="db.keycap.function-other.attributes"/>
  118. </choice>
  119. </define>
  120. <define name="db.keycap.role.attribute">
  121. <attribute name="role"/>
  122. </define>
  123. <define name="db.keycap.attlist">
  124. <interleave>
  125. <optional>
  126. <ref name="db.keycap.role.attribute"/>
  127. </optional>
  128. <ref name="db.common.attributes"/>
  129. <ref name="db.common.linking.attributes"/>
  130. <ref name="db.keycap.function.attrib"/>
  131. </interleave>
  132. </define>
  133. <define name="db.keycap">
  134. <element name="keycap">
  135. <ref name="db.keycap.attlist"/>
  136. <ref name="db._text"/>
  137. </element>
  138. </define>
  139. </div>
  140. <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  141. <div>
  142. <db:refname>keycode</db:refname>
  143. <db:refpurpose>The internal, frequently numeric, identifier for a key on a keyboard</db:refpurpose>
  144. <define name="db.keycode.role.attribute">
  145. <attribute name="role"/>
  146. </define>
  147. <define name="db.keycode.attlist">
  148. <interleave>
  149. <optional>
  150. <ref name="db.keycode.role.attribute"/>
  151. </optional>
  152. <ref name="db.common.attributes"/>
  153. <ref name="db.common.linking.attributes"/>
  154. </interleave>
  155. </define>
  156. <define name="db.keycode">
  157. <element name="keycode">
  158. <ref name="db.keycode.attlist"/>
  159. <ref name="db._text"/>
  160. </element>
  161. </define>
  162. </div>
  163. <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  164. <define name="db.keycombination.contentmodel">
  165. <choice>
  166. <ref name="db.keycap"/>
  167. <ref name="db.keycombo"/>
  168. <ref name="db.keysym"/>
  169. </choice>
  170. </define>
  171. <div>
  172. <db:refname>keycombo</db:refname>
  173. <db:refpurpose>A combination of input actions</db:refpurpose>
  174. <ctrl:other-attribute name="db.keycombo.action.attrib" enum-name="db.keycombo.action-enum.attribute" other-name="db.keycombo.action-other.attributes"/>
  175. <define name="db.keycombo.action.enumeration">
  176. <choice>
  177. <value>click</value>
  178. <a:documentation>A (single) mouse click.</a:documentation>
  179. <value>double-click</value>
  180. <a:documentation>A double mouse click.</a:documentation>
  181. <value>press</value>
  182. <a:documentation>A mouse or key press.</a:documentation>
  183. <value>seq</value>
  184. <a:documentation>Sequential clicks or presses.</a:documentation>
  185. <value>simul</value>
  186. <a:documentation>Simultaneous clicks or presses.</a:documentation>
  187. </choice>
  188. </define>
  189. <define name="db.keycombo.action-enum.attribute">
  190. <optional>
  191. <attribute name="action">
  192. <db:refpurpose>Identifies the nature of the action taken. If <db:tag>keycombo</db:tag>
  193. contains more than one element, <db:tag class="attvalue">simul</db:tag>
  194. is the default, otherwise there is no default.</db:refpurpose>
  195. <ref name="db.keycombo.action.enumeration"/>
  196. </attribute>
  197. </optional>
  198. </define>
  199. <define name="db.keycombo.action-other.attributes">
  200. <optional>
  201. <attribute name="action">
  202. <db:refpurpose>Identifies the nature of the action taken</db:refpurpose>
  203. <value>other</value>
  204. <a:documentation>Indicates a non-standard action</a:documentation>
  205. </attribute>
  206. </optional>
  207. <attribute name="otheraction">
  208. <db:refpurpose>Identifies the non-standard action in some unspecified way.</db:refpurpose>
  209. </attribute>
  210. </define>
  211. <define name="db.keycombo.action.attrib">
  212. <choice>
  213. <ref name="db.keycombo.action-enum.attribute"/>
  214. <ref name="db.keycombo.action-other.attributes"/>
  215. </choice>
  216. </define>
  217. <define name="db.keycombo.role.attribute">
  218. <attribute name="role"/>
  219. </define>
  220. <define name="db.keycombo.attlist">
  221. <interleave>
  222. <optional>
  223. <ref name="db.keycombo.role.attribute"/>
  224. </optional>
  225. <ref name="db.common.attributes"/>
  226. <ref name="db.common.linking.attributes"/>
  227. <ref name="db.keycombo.action.attrib"/>
  228. </interleave>
  229. </define>
  230. <define name="db.keycombo">
  231. <element name="keycombo">
  232. <ref name="db.keycombo.attlist"/>
  233. <oneOrMore>
  234. <ref name="db.keycombination.contentmodel"/>
  235. </oneOrMore>
  236. </element>
  237. </define>
  238. </div>
  239. <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  240. <div>
  241. <db:refname>keysym</db:refname>
  242. <db:refpurpose>The symbolic name of a key on a keyboard</db:refpurpose>
  243. <define name="db.keysym.role.attribute">
  244. <attribute name="role"/>
  245. </define>
  246. <define name="db.keysym.attlist">
  247. <interleave>
  248. <optional>
  249. <ref name="db.keysym.role.attribute"/>
  250. </optional>
  251. <ref name="db.common.attributes"/>
  252. <ref name="db.common.linking.attributes"/>
  253. </interleave>
  254. </define>
  255. <define name="db.keysym">
  256. <element name="keysym">
  257. <ref name="db.keysym.attlist"/>
  258. <ref name="db._text"/>
  259. </element>
  260. </define>
  261. </div>
  262. <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  263. <div>
  264. <db:refname>accel</db:refname>
  265. <db:refpurpose>A graphical user interface (GUI) keyboard shortcut</db:refpurpose>
  266. <define name="db.accel.role.attribute">
  267. <attribute name="role"/>
  268. </define>
  269. <define name="db.accel.attlist">
  270. <interleave>
  271. <optional>
  272. <ref name="db.accel.role.attribute"/>
  273. </optional>
  274. <ref name="db.common.attributes"/>
  275. <ref name="db.common.linking.attributes"/>
  276. </interleave>
  277. </define>
  278. <define name="db.accel">
  279. <element name="accel">
  280. <ref name="db.accel.attlist"/>
  281. <ref name="db._text"/>
  282. </element>
  283. </define>
  284. </div>
  285. <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  286. <div>
  287. <db:refname>shortcut</db:refname>
  288. <db:refpurpose>A key combination for an action that is also accessible through a menu</db:refpurpose>
  289. <define name="db.shortcut.action.attrib">
  290. <ref name="db.keycombo.action.attrib"/>
  291. </define>
  292. <define name="db.shortcut.role.attribute">
  293. <attribute name="role"/>
  294. </define>
  295. <define name="db.shortcut.attlist">
  296. <interleave>
  297. <optional>
  298. <ref name="db.shortcut.role.attribute"/>
  299. </optional>
  300. <ref name="db.common.attributes"/>
  301. <ref name="db.common.linking.attributes"/>
  302. <ref name="db.shortcut.action.attrib"/>
  303. </interleave>
  304. </define>
  305. <define name="db.shortcut">
  306. <element name="shortcut">
  307. <ref name="db.shortcut.attlist"/>
  308. <oneOrMore>
  309. <ref name="db.keycombination.contentmodel"/>
  310. </oneOrMore>
  311. </element>
  312. </define>
  313. </div>
  314. </grammar>