123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- <refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
- xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
- xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
- xmlns:src="http://nwalsh.com/xmlns/litprog/fragment"
- xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
- version="5.0" xml:id="show.revisionflag">
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>show.revisionflag</refentrytitle>
- <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">boolean</refmiscinfo>
- </refmeta>
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>show.revisionflag</refname>
- <refpurpose>Enable decoration of elements that have a revisionflag</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <src:fragment xml:id="show.revisionflag.frag">
- <xsl:param name="show.revisionflag" select="0"/>
- </src:fragment>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsection><info><title>Description</title></info>
- <para>
- If <parameter>show.revisionflag</parameter> is turned on, then the stylesheets
- may produce additional markup designed to allow a CSS stylesheet to
- highlight elements that have specific revisionflag settings.</para>
- <para>The markup inserted will be usually be either a <span> or
- <div> with an appropriate <literal>class</literal>
- attribute. (The value of the class attribute will be the same as the
- value of the revisionflag attribute). In some contexts, for example
- tables, where extra markup would be structurally illegal, the class
- attribute will be added to the appropriate container element.</para>
- <para>In general, the stylesheets only test for revisionflag in contexts
- where an importing stylesheet would have to redefine whole templates.
- Most of the revisionflag processing is expected to be done by another
- stylesheet, for example <filename>changebars.xsl</filename>.</para>
- </refsection>
- </refentry>