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  1. <refentry xmlns=""
  2. xmlns:xlink=""
  3. xmlns:xi=""
  4. xmlns:src=""
  5. xmlns:xsl=""
  6. version="5.0" xml:id="">
  7. <refmeta>
  8. <refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
  9. <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">attribute set</refmiscinfo>
  10. </refmeta>
  11. <refnamediv>
  12. <refname></refname>
  13. <refpurpose>Properties of running inner side region</refpurpose>
  14. </refnamediv>
  15. <refsynopsisdiv>
  16. <src:fragment xml:id="">
  17. <xsl:attribute-set name="">
  18. <xsl:attribute name="border-width">0</xsl:attribute>
  19. <xsl:attribute name="padding">0</xsl:attribute>
  20. <xsl:attribute name="reference-orientation">90</xsl:attribute>
  21. </xsl:attribute-set>
  22. </src:fragment>
  23. </refsynopsisdiv>
  24. <refsection><info><title>Description</title></info>
  25. <para>The FO stylesheet supports optional side regions
  26. similar to the header and footer regions.
  27. Any attributes declared in this attribute-set
  28. are applied to the region element in the page master
  29. on the inner side (binding side) of the page.
  30. This corresponds to <literal>&lt;fo:regin-start&gt;</literal>
  31. on odd-numbered pages and <literal>&lt;fo:region-end&gt;</literal>
  32. on even-numbered pages.
  33. For single-sided output, it always corresponds to
  34. <literal>&lt;fo:regin-start&gt;</literal>.</para>
  35. <para>You can customize the template named
  36. <literal>inner.region.content</literal> to specify
  37. the content of the inner side region.</para>
  38. <para>See also
  39. <parameter></parameter>,
  40. <parameter>page.margin.inner</parameter>,
  41. <parameter>body.margin.inner</parameter>,
  42. and the corresponding <literal>outer</literal>
  43. parameters.</para>
  44. </refsection>
  45. </refentry>