qanda.defaultlabel.xml 2.9 KB

  1. <refentry xmlns=""
  2. xmlns:xlink=""
  3. xmlns:xi=""
  4. xmlns:src=""
  5. xmlns:xsl=""
  6. version="5.0" xml:id="qanda.defaultlabel">
  7. <refmeta>
  8. <refentrytitle>qanda.defaultlabel</refentrytitle>
  9. <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">list</refmiscinfo>
  10. <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="value">number</refmiscinfo>
  11. <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="value">qanda</refmiscinfo>
  12. <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="value">none</refmiscinfo>
  13. </refmeta>
  14. <refnamediv>
  15. <refname>qanda.defaultlabel</refname>
  16. <refpurpose>Sets the default for defaultlabel on QandASet.</refpurpose>
  17. </refnamediv>
  18. <refsynopsisdiv>
  19. <src:fragment xml:id="qanda.defaultlabel.frag">
  20. <xsl:param name="qanda.defaultlabel">number</xsl:param>
  21. </src:fragment>
  22. </refsynopsisdiv>
  23. <refsection><info><title>Description</title></info>
  24. <para>If no <literal>defaultlabel</literal> attribute is specified on
  25. a <tag>qandaset</tag>, this value is used. It is generally one of the legal
  26. values for the defaultlabel attribute (<literal>none</literal>,
  27. <literal>number</literal> or
  28. <literal>qanda</literal>), or one of the additional stylesheet-specific values
  29. (<literal>qnumber</literal> or <literal>qnumberanda</literal>).
  30. The default value is 'number'.
  31. </para>
  32. <para>The values are rendered as follows:</para>
  33. <variablelist>
  34. <varlistentry><term><literal>qanda</literal></term>
  35. <listitem>
  36. <para><tag>question</tag>s are labeled "Q:" and
  37. <tag>answer</tag>s are labeled "A:". </para>
  38. </listitem>
  39. </varlistentry>
  40. <varlistentry><term><literal>number</literal></term>
  41. <listitem>
  42. <para>The questions are enumerated and the answers
  43. are not labeled. </para>
  44. </listitem>
  45. </varlistentry>
  46. <varlistentry><term><literal>qnumber</literal></term>
  47. <listitem>
  48. <para>The questions are labeled "Q:" followed by a number, and answers are not
  49. labeled.
  50. When sections are numbered, adding a label
  51. to the number distinguishes the question numbers
  52. from the section numbers.
  53. This value is not allowed in the
  54. <tag class="attribute">defaultlabel</tag> attribute
  55. of a <tag>qandaset</tag> element.</para>
  56. </listitem>
  57. </varlistentry>
  58. <varlistentry><term><literal>qnumberanda</literal></term>
  59. <listitem>
  60. <para>The questions are labeled "Q:" followed by a number, and
  61. the answers are labeled "A:".
  62. When sections are numbered, adding a label
  63. to the number distinguishes the question numbers
  64. from the section numbers.
  65. This value is not allowed in the
  66. <tag class="attribute">defaultlabel</tag> attribute
  67. of a <tag>qandaset</tag> element.</para>
  68. </listitem>
  69. </varlistentry>
  70. <varlistentry><term><literal>none</literal></term>
  71. <listitem>
  72. <para>No distinguishing label precedes Questions or Answers.
  73. </para>
  74. </listitem>
  75. </varlistentry>
  76. </variablelist>
  77. </refsection>
  78. </refentry>