man.endnotes.list.enabled.xml 5.0 KB

  1. <refentry xmlns=""
  2. xmlns:xlink=""
  3. xmlns:xi=""
  4. xmlns:src=""
  5. xmlns:xsl=""
  6. version="5.0" xml:id="man.endnotes.list.enabled">
  7. <refmeta>
  8. <refentrytitle>man.endnotes.list.enabled</refentrytitle>
  9. <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">boolean</refmiscinfo>
  10. </refmeta>
  11. <refnamediv>
  12. <refname>man.endnotes.list.enabled</refname>
  13. <refpurpose>Display endnotes list at end of man page?</refpurpose>
  14. </refnamediv>
  15. <refsynopsisdiv>
  16. <src:fragment xml:id="man.endnotes.list.enabled.frag">
  17. <xsl:param name="man.endnotes.list.enabled">1</xsl:param>
  18. </src:fragment>
  19. </refsynopsisdiv>
  20. <refsection><info><title>Description</title></info>
  21. <para>If the value of <parameter>man.endnotes.list.enabled</parameter> is
  22. non-zero (the default), then an endnotes list is added to the end of
  23. the output man page.</para>
  24. <para>If the value of <parameter>man.endnotes.list.enabled</parameter> is
  25. zero, the list is suppressed — unless link numbering is enabled (that
  26. is, if <parameter>man.endnotes.are.numbered</parameter> is non-zero), in
  27. which case, that setting overrides the
  28. <parameter>man.endnotes.list.enabled</parameter> setting, and the
  29. endnotes list is still displayed. The reason is that inline
  30. numbering of notesources associated with endnotes only makes sense
  31. if a (numbered) list of endnotes is also generated.</para>
  32. <note>
  33. <para>Leaving
  34. <parameter>man.endnotes.list.enabled</parameter> at its default
  35. (non-zero) value ensures that no “out of line” information (such
  36. as the URLs for hyperlinks and images) gets lost in your
  37. man-page output. It just gets “rearranged”.</para>
  38. <para>So if you’re thinking about disabling endnotes listing by
  39. setting the value of
  40. <parameter>man.endnotes.list.enabled</parameter> to zero:
  41. Before you do so, first take some time to carefully consider
  42. the information needs and experiences of your users. The “out
  43. of line” information has value even if the presentation of it
  44. in text output is not as interactive as it may be in other
  45. output formats.</para>
  46. <para>As far as the specific case of URLs: Even though the URLs
  47. displayed in text output may not be “real” (clickable)
  48. hyperlinks, many X terminals have convenience features for
  49. recognizing URLs and can, for example, present users with
  50. an options to open a URL in a browser with the user clicks on
  51. the URL is a terminal window. And short of those, users with X
  52. terminals can always manually cut and paste the URLs into a web
  53. browser.</para>
  54. <para>Also, note that various “man to html” tools, such as the
  55. widely used <command><link xlink:href="">man2html</link></command> (<literal>VH-Man2html</literal>)
  56. application, automatically mark up URLs with <literal>a@href</literal> markup
  57. during conversion — resulting in “real” hyperlinks in HTML
  58. output from those tools.</para>
  59. </note>
  60. <para>To “turn off” numbering of endnotes in the
  61. endnotes list, set <parameter>man.endnotes.are.numbered</parameter>
  62. to zero. The endnotes list will
  63. still be displayed; it will just be displayed without the
  64. numbers<footnote><para>It can still make sense to have
  65. the list of endnotes displayed even if you have endnotes numbering turned
  66. off. In that case, your endnotes list basically becomes a “list
  67. of references” without any association with specific text in
  68. your document. This is probably the best option if you find the inline
  69. endnotes numbering obtrusive. Your users will still have access to all the “out of line”
  70. such as URLs for hyperlinks.</para></footnote>
  71. </para>
  72. <para>The default heading for the endnotes list is
  73. <literal>NOTES</literal>. To change that, set a non-empty
  74. value for the <parameter>man.endnotes.list.heading</parameter>
  75. parameter.</para>
  76. <para>In the case of notesources that are links: Along with the
  77. URL for each link, the endnotes list includes the contents of the
  78. link. The list thus includes only non-empty<footnote>
  79. <para>A “non-empty” link is one that looks like
  80. this:<literallayout class="monospaced"> &lt;ulink url=""&gt;manpages&lt;/ulink&gt;</literallayout>
  81. an “empty link” is on that looks like this:<literallayout class="monospaced"> &lt;ulink url=""/&gt;</literallayout>
  82. </para></footnote> links.
  83. Empty links are never included, and never numbered. They are simply
  84. displayed inline, without any numbering.</para>
  85. <para>In addition, if there are multiple instances of links in a
  86. <tag>refentry</tag> that have the same URL, the URL is listed only
  87. once. The contents listed for that link in the endnotes list are
  88. the contents of the first link which has that URL.</para>
  89. <para>If you disable endnotes listing, you should probably also set
  90. <parameter>man.links.are.underlined</parameter> to zero (to disable
  91. link underlining).</para>
  92. </refsection>
  93. </refentry>