admon.textlabel.xml 1.0 KB

  1. <refentry xmlns=""
  2. xmlns:xlink=""
  3. xmlns:xi=""
  4. xmlns:src=""
  5. xmlns:xsl=""
  6. version="5.0" xml:id="admon.textlabel">
  7. <refmeta>
  8. <refentrytitle>admon.textlabel</refentrytitle>
  9. <refmiscinfo class="other" otherclass="datatype">boolean</refmiscinfo>
  10. </refmeta>
  11. <refnamediv>
  12. <refname>admon.textlabel</refname>
  13. <refpurpose>Use text label in admonitions?</refpurpose>
  14. </refnamediv>
  15. <refsynopsisdiv>
  16. <src:fragment xml:id="admon.textlabel.frag">
  17. <xsl:param name="admon.textlabel" select="1"/>
  18. </src:fragment>
  19. </refsynopsisdiv>
  20. <refsection><info><title>Description</title></info>
  21. <para>If true (non-zero), admonitions are presented with a generated
  22. text label such as Note or Warning in the appropriate language.
  23. If zero, such labels are turned off, but any title child
  24. of the admonition element are still output.
  25. The default value is 1.
  26. </para>
  27. </refsection>
  28. </refentry>