openssl.xml 5.6 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
  3. "" [
  4. <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../general.ent">
  5. %general-entities;
  6. ]>
  7. <sect1 id="ch-system-openssl" role="wrap">
  8. <?dbhtml filename="openssl.html"?>
  9. <sect1info condition="script">
  10. <productname>openssl</productname>
  11. <productnumber>&openssl-version;</productnumber>
  12. <address>&openssl-url;</address>
  13. </sect1info>
  14. <title>OpenSSL-&openssl-version;</title>
  15. <indexterm zone="ch-system-openssl">
  16. <primary sortas="a-OpenSSL">OpenSSL</primary>
  17. </indexterm>
  18. <sect2 role="package">
  19. <title/>
  20. <para>The OpenSSL package contains management tools and libraries relating
  21. to cryptography. These are useful for providing cryptographic functions
  22. to other packages, such as OpenSSH, email applications and web browsers
  23. (for accessing HTTPS sites). </para>
  24. <segmentedlist>
  25. <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle>
  26. <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle>
  27. <seglistitem>
  28. <seg>&openssl-ch6-sbu;</seg>
  29. <seg>&openssl-ch6-du;</seg>
  30. </seglistitem>
  31. </segmentedlist>
  32. </sect2>
  33. <sect2 role="installation">
  34. <title>Installation of OpenSSL</title>
  35. <!--
  36. <para>First, fix a problem identified upstream:</para>
  37. <screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i '/\} data/s/ =.*$/;\n memset(\&amp;data, 0, sizeof(data));/' \
  38. crypto/rand/rand_lib.c</userinput></screen>
  39. -->
  40. <para>Prepare OpenSSL for compilation:</para>
  41. <screen><userinput remap="configure">./config --prefix=/usr \
  42. --openssldir=/etc/ssl \
  43. --libdir=lib \
  44. shared \
  45. zlib-dynamic</userinput></screen>
  46. <para>Compile the package:</para>
  47. <screen><userinput remap="make">make</userinput></screen>
  48. <para>To test the results, issue:</para>
  49. <screen><userinput remap="test">make test</userinput></screen>
  50. <para>One subtest in the test 20-test_enc.t is known to fail.</para>
  51. <para>Install the package:</para>
  52. <screen><userinput remap="install">sed -i '/INSTALL_LIBS/s/libcrypto.a libssl.a//' Makefile
  53. make MANSUFFIX=ssl install</userinput></screen>
  54. <para>If desired, install the documentation:</para>
  55. <screen><userinput remap="install">mv -v /usr/share/doc/openssl /usr/share/doc/openssl-&openssl-version;
  56. cp -vfr doc/* /usr/share/doc/openssl-&openssl-version;</userinput></screen>
  57. </sect2>
  58. <sect2 id="contents-openssl" role="content">
  59. <title>Contents of OpenSSL</title>
  60. <segmentedlist>
  61. <segtitle>Installed programs</segtitle>
  62. <segtitle>Installed libraries</segtitle>
  63. <segtitle>Installed directories</segtitle>
  64. <seglistitem>
  65. <seg>
  66. c_rehash and openssl
  67. </seg>
  68. <seg>
  69. libcrypto.{so,a} and libssl.{so,a}
  70. </seg>
  71. <seg>
  72. /etc/ssl,
  73. /usr/include/openssl,
  74. /usr/lib/engines and
  75. /usr/share/doc/openssl-&openssl-version;
  76. </seg>
  77. </seglistitem>
  78. </segmentedlist>
  79. <variablelist>
  80. <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
  81. <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
  82. <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
  83. <varlistentry id="c_rehash">
  84. <term><command>c_rehash</command></term>
  85. <listitem>
  86. <para>
  87. is a <application>Perl</application> script that scans all files in
  88. a directory and adds symbolic links to their hash values.
  89. </para>
  90. <indexterm zone="ch-system-openssl c_rehash">
  91. <primary sortas="b-c_rehash">c_rehash</primary>
  92. </indexterm>
  93. </listitem>
  94. </varlistentry>
  95. <varlistentry id="openssl-prog">
  96. <term><command>openssl</command></term>
  97. <listitem>
  98. <para>
  99. is a command-line tool for using the various cryptography functions
  100. of <application>OpenSSL</application>'s crypto library from the
  101. shell. It can be used for various functions which are documented in
  102. <command>man 1 openssl</command>.
  103. </para>
  104. <indexterm zone="ch-system-openssl openssl-prog">
  105. <primary sortas="b-openssl">openssl</primary>
  106. </indexterm>
  107. </listitem>
  108. </varlistentry>
  109. <varlistentry id="libcrypto">
  110. <term><filename class="libraryfile"></filename></term>
  111. <listitem>
  112. <para>
  113. implements a wide range of cryptographic algorithms used in various
  114. Internet standards. The services provided by this library are used
  115. by the <application>OpenSSL</application> implementations of SSL,
  116. TLS and S/MIME, and they have also been used to implement
  117. <application>OpenSSH</application>,
  118. <application>OpenPGP</application>, and other cryptographic
  119. standards.
  120. </para>
  121. <indexterm zone="ch-system-openssl libcrypto">
  122. <primary sortas="c-libcrypto"></primary>
  123. </indexterm>
  124. </listitem>
  125. </varlistentry>
  126. <varlistentry id="libssl">
  127. <term><filename class="libraryfile"></filename></term>
  128. <listitem>
  129. <para>
  130. implements the Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocol.
  131. It provides a rich API, documentation
  132. on which can be found by running <command>man 3 ssl</command>.
  133. </para>
  134. <indexterm zone="ch-system-openssl libssl">
  135. <primary sortas="c-libssl"></primary>
  136. </indexterm>
  137. </listitem>
  138. </varlistentry>
  139. </variablelist>
  140. </sect2>
  141. </sect1>