refentry.007.xml 10 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
  3. "">
  4. <book>
  5. <bookinfo>
  6. <title>Unit Test: refentry.007</title>
  7. <releaseinfo role="CVS">$Id: refentry.007.xml 7282 2007-08-23 09:27:01Z xmldoc $</releaseinfo>
  8. <author><firstname>Norman</firstname><surname>Walsh</surname>
  9. <affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation>
  10. </author>
  11. </bookinfo>
  12. <reference>
  13. <title>Reference</title>
  14. <refentry>
  15. <refentryinfo>
  16. <authorgroup>
  17. <author>
  18. <firstname>Norman</firstname><surname>Walsh</surname>
  19. <email></email>
  20. <personblurb>
  21. <para>Wrote the original version of this document.</para>
  22. </personblurb>
  23. </author>
  24. <editor>
  25. <contrib>Added a bunch of test cases.</contrib>
  26. <firstname>Michael(tm)</firstname><surname>Smith</surname>
  27. <email></email>
  28. </editor>
  29. </authorgroup>
  30. <copyright>
  31. <year>2003</year>
  32. <holder>Norman Walsh</holder>
  33. </copyright>
  34. <copyright>
  35. <year>2006</year>
  36. <holder>Michael(tm) Smith</holder>
  37. </copyright>
  38. <legalnotice>
  39. <para>This file is a product of the DocBook Project.</para>
  40. </legalnotice>
  41. <legalnotice>
  42. <para>Share and share alike.</para>
  43. </legalnotice>
  44. </refentryinfo>
  45. <refnamediv>
  46. <refname>FirstName</refname>
  47. <refname>SecondName</refname>
  48. <refpurpose>Purpose for FirstName</refpurpose>
  49. </refnamediv>
  50. <refnamediv>
  51. <refname>ThirdName</refname>
  52. <refpurpose>Purpose for ThirdName</refpurpose>
  53. </refnamediv>
  54. <refsynopsisdiv>
  55. <?dbfunclist ?>
  56. <funcsynopsis>
  57. <!-- * Yes, friend, Funcsynopsis is a verbatim -->
  58. <funcsynopsisinfo
  59. >#include &lt;varargs.h&gt;
  60. #include &lt;mouteyh.h&gt;
  61. #include &lt;qlmppzj.h&gt;</funcsynopsisinfo>
  62. <funcprototype>
  63. <funcdef><type>float</type> <function>rand</function></funcdef>
  64. <void/>
  65. </funcprototype>
  66. <funcprototype>
  67. <funcdef>int <function>max</function></funcdef>
  68. <varargs/>
  69. </funcprototype>
  70. <funcprototype>
  71. <funcdef>int <function>idiv</function></funcdef>
  72. <paramdef><type>int</type> <parameter>n</parameter></paramdef>
  73. <paramdef><type>int</type> <parameter>m</parameter></paramdef>
  74. </funcprototype>
  75. </funcsynopsis>
  76. <para>Another.</para>
  77. <funcsynopsis>
  78. <funcprototype>
  79. <funcdef>void <function>qsort</function></funcdef>
  80. <paramdef>void *<parameter>dataptr</parameter>[]</paramdef>
  81. <paramdef>int <parameter>left</parameter></paramdef>
  82. <paramdef>int <parameter>right</parameter></paramdef>
  83. <paramdef>int (*<parameter>comp</parameter>)
  84. <funcparams>void *, void *</funcparams></paramdef>
  85. </funcprototype>
  86. </funcsynopsis>
  87. <funcsynopsis>
  88. <funcprototype>
  89. <funcdef>int <function>foo_frob_something</function></funcdef>
  90. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm1</parameter></paramdef>
  91. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm2</parameter></paramdef>
  92. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm3</parameter></paramdef>
  93. <paramdef><type>int</type> (* <parameter>parm4</parameter> )
  94. <funcparams>int a, int b, int c</funcparams>
  95. </paramdef>
  96. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm5</parameter></paramdef>
  97. </funcprototype>
  98. <funcprototype>
  99. <funcdef>int <function>foo_frob_something</function></funcdef>
  100. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm1</parameter></paramdef>
  101. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm2</parameter></paramdef>
  102. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm3</parameter></paramdef>
  103. <paramdef><type>int</type> (* <parameter>parm4</parameter> )
  104. <funcparams>int a, int b, int c</funcparams>
  105. </paramdef>
  106. <paramdef>foo_sometype1 <parameter>foo_frob_parm5</parameter></paramdef>
  107. </funcprototype>
  108. </funcsynopsis>
  109. </refsynopsisdiv>
  110. <refsect1>
  111. <title>Description</title>
  112. <para>This is a minimal RefEntry.</para>
  113. <para>The following is a Variablelist with a title.
  114. <variablelist>
  115. <title>My variablelist</title>
  116. <varlistentry>
  117. <term>varlistentry term 1</term>
  118. <listitem><para>some listitem text</para></listitem>
  119. </varlistentry>
  120. <varlistentry>
  121. <term>varlistentry term 2</term>
  122. <listitem><para>some more listitem text</para></listitem>
  123. </varlistentry>
  124. </variablelist>
  125. </para>
  126. <refsect2>
  127. <title>Subsection</title>
  128. <para>This is a minimal RefEntry.</para>
  129. <para>The following is a Variablelist with a title and a nested variablelist
  130. <glosslist>
  131. <title>My glosslist</title>
  132. <glossentry>
  133. <glossterm>glossentry term 1</glossterm>
  134. <glossdef><para>some glossdef text</para></glossdef>
  135. </glossentry>
  136. <glossentry>
  137. <glossterm>glossentry term 2</glossterm>
  138. <glossdef>
  139. <variablelist>
  140. <varlistentry>
  141. <term>nested variablelist term 1</term>
  142. <listitem><para>some variablelist text</para></listitem>
  143. </varlistentry>
  144. <varlistentry>
  145. <term>nested variablelist term 2</term>
  146. <listitem><para>some more variablelist text</para></listitem>
  147. </varlistentry>
  148. </variablelist>
  149. </glossdef>
  150. </glossentry>
  151. </glosslist>
  152. </para>
  153. <refsect3>
  154. <title>Sub-subsection</title>
  155. <para>This is a minimal RefEntry.</para>
  156. </refsect3>
  157. </refsect2>
  158. </refsect1>
  159. <refsect1>
  160. <title>More Description</title>
  161. <para>This is a not-so minimal RefEntry.</para>
  162. <screen>
  163. This is a screen [break here]
  164. that starts with a line of space. [break here]
  165. And it ends with a line of space.
  166. </screen>
  167. <para>normal paragraph here</para>
  168. <screen>This is a screen [break here]
  169. that does not start with a line of space. [break here]
  170. And does not end with a line of space.</screen>
  171. <para>This is a normal paragraph that contains a screen.
  172. <screen>This is a screen within a normal paragraph [break here]
  173. that does not start with a line of space. [break here]
  174. And does not end with a line of space but is followed
  175. by a line of space.</screen>
  176. </para>
  177. <para>This is another normal paragraph that contains a screen.
  178. <screen>This is a screen within a normal paragraph [break here]
  179. that does not start with a line of space. [break here]
  180. And does not end with a line of space and is not followed
  181. by a line of space.</screen></para>
  182. <para>This is another normal paragraph that contains a screen.
  183. <screen>
  184. This is a screen within a normal paragraph [break here]
  185. that starts with a line of space. [break here]
  186. And ends with a line of space but is not followed by a line of space.
  187. </screen></para>
  188. <para>This is another normal paragraph that contains a screen.
  189. <screen>
  190. This is a screen within a normal paragraph [break here]
  191. that starts with a line of space. [break here]
  192. And ends with a line of space and is followed by a line of space.
  193. </screen>
  194. </para>
  195. <para>This is another normal paragraph that contains a screen.
  196. <screen>
  197. This is a screen within a normal paragraph [break here]
  198. that starts with a 2 lines of space. [break here]
  199. And ends with 3 lines of space and is followed by a line of space.
  200. </screen>
  201. </para>
  202. <para>This paragraph contains an itemizedlist with a title. The title
  203. is “Mrignkwolmcng”.
  204. <orderedlist>
  205. <title>Mrignkwolmcng</title>
  206. <listitem>
  207. <para>itemizedlist listitem 1</para>
  208. </listitem>
  209. <listitem>
  210. <para>itemizedlist listitem 2</para>
  211. </listitem>
  212. </orderedlist>
  213. This is some useless text that follows the “Mrignkwolmcng” orderedlist
  214. in the same para.</para>
  215. <para>The following is a Variablelist with a title and with a nested itemizedlist.
  216. <variablelist>
  217. <title>My variablelist</title>
  218. <varlistentry>
  219. <term>varlistentry term 1</term>
  220. <listitem>
  221. <itemizedlist>
  222. <title>nested itemizedlist</title>
  223. <listitem>
  224. <para>itemizedlist listitem 1</para>
  225. </listitem>
  226. <listitem>
  227. <para>itemizedlist listitem 2</para>
  228. </listitem>
  229. </itemizedlist>
  230. </listitem>
  231. </varlistentry>
  232. <varlistentry>
  233. <term>varlistentry term 2</term>
  234. <listitem><para>some more listitem text</para></listitem>
  235. </varlistentry>
  236. </variablelist>
  237. </para>
  238. <para>The following is a Variablelist with a title and with a
  239. nested Varlistentry that contains multiple Terms
  240. <variablelist>
  241. <title>My nested-multi-term-per-varlistentry variablelist</title>
  242. <varlistentry>
  243. <term>Varlistentry term 1</term>
  244. <listitem>
  245. <variablelist>
  246. <varlistentry>
  247. <term> varlistentry term 1.1</term>
  248. <term>varlistentry term 1.2 </term>
  249. <term>varlistentry term 1.3</term>
  250. <listitem><para>All 'bout terms 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3</para>
  251. </listitem>
  252. </varlistentry>
  253. </variablelist>
  254. </listitem>
  255. </varlistentry>
  256. <varlistentry>
  257. <term>varlistentry term 2</term>
  258. <listitem><para>some more listitem text</para></listitem>
  259. </varlistentry>
  260. </variablelist>
  261. </para>
  262. <refsect2>
  263. <title>Subsection</title>
  264. <para>This is a minimal RefEntry.</para>
  265. </refsect2>
  266. </refsect1>
  267. <refsect1>
  268. <title>Even More Description</title>
  269. <para>This is an even less minimal RefEntry.</para>
  270. <para>This is a paragraph. It contains the following segmentedlist,
  271. titled “Gibbererish”, with several segtitle elements.
  272. <segmentedlist>
  273. <title>Gibbererish</title>
  274. <segtitle>Floober</segtitle>
  275. <segtitle>Buugler</segtitle>
  276. <segtitle>Sstangooo</segtitle>
  277. <segtitle>Borobinda</segtitle>
  278. <seglistitem>
  279. <seg>Bamalalaboonda Bamalalaboonda Bamalalaboonda Bamalalaboonda Bamalalaboonda Bamalalaboonda</seg>
  280. <seg>Mondorotoluafu</seg>
  281. <seg>Ganafutralinga</seg>
  282. <seg>Patagularamakundra</seg>
  283. </seglistitem>
  284. <seglistitem>
  285. <seg>Cadraracondar</seg>
  286. <seg>Hentirotomaambu</seg>
  287. <seg>BdomentriolaiaBdomentriolaiaBdomentriolaia</seg>
  288. <seg>Candamalaturuanio</seg>
  289. </seglistitem>
  290. </segmentedlist>
  291. This is some text that follows the segementedlist within the same
  292. paragraph. The next part of this same paragraph is an
  293. <sgmltag>important</sgmltag> admonition.
  294. <important>
  295. <para>It is very important that you read this. That’s why it stands
  296. out the way that it does.</para>
  297. </important>
  298. </para>
  299. <para>This is a para with a footnote
  300. <footnote
  301. ><para>Stuff here <programlisting>This is a program listing
  302. that's two lines long.</programlisting></para>
  303. and stuff after the
  304. footnote</footnote></para>
  305. </refsect1>
  306. </refentry>
  307. </reference>
  308. </book>