bookinfo.xml 1.4 KB

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  7. <bookinfo>
  8. <title>Linux From Scratch</title>
  9. <subtitle revision='sysv' >Version &version; </subtitle>
  10. <subtitle revision='systemd'>Version &versiond;</subtitle>
  11. <authorgroup>
  12. <author>
  13. <firstname>Created by Gerard</firstname>
  14. <surname>Beekmans</surname>
  15. </author>
  16. <author>
  17. <firstname>Managing Editor: Bruce</firstname>
  18. <surname>Dubbs</surname>
  19. </author>
  20. <author revision="systemd">
  21. <firstname>Editor: Douglas R.</firstname>
  22. <surname>Reno</surname>
  23. </author>
  24. <author revision="systemd">
  25. <firstname>Editor: DJ</firstname>
  26. <surname>Lucas</surname>
  27. </author>
  28. </authorgroup>
  29. <copyright id="copyright">
  30. <year>&copyrightdate;</year>
  31. <holder>Gerard Beekmans</holder>
  32. </copyright>
  33. <legalnotice>
  34. <para>Copyright &copy; &copyrightdate;, Gerard Beekmans</para>
  35. <para>All rights reserved.</para>
  36. <para>This book is licensed under a <xref linkend="CC"/>.</para>
  37. <para>Computer instructions may be extracted from the book under the
  38. <xref linkend="MIT"/>.</para>
  39. <para><trademark class='registered'>Linux</trademark> is a registered trademark of
  40. Linus Torvalds.</para>
  41. </legalnotice>
  42. </bookinfo>