bzip2.xml 10 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
  3. "" [
  4. <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../general.ent">
  5. %general-entities;
  6. ]>
  7. <sect1 id="ch-system-bzip2" role="wrap">
  8. <?dbhtml filename="bzip2.html"?>
  9. <sect1info condition="script">
  10. <productname>bzip2</productname>
  11. <productnumber>&bzip2-version;</productnumber>
  12. <address>&bzip2-url;</address>
  13. </sect1info>
  14. <title>Bzip2-&bzip2-version;</title>
  15. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2">
  16. <primary sortas="a-Bzip2">Bzip2</primary>
  17. </indexterm>
  18. <sect2 role="package">
  19. <title/>
  20. <para>The Bzip2 package contains programs for compressing and decompressing
  21. files. Compressing text files with <command>bzip2</command> yields a much
  22. better compression percentage than with the traditional
  23. <command>gzip</command>.</para>
  24. <segmentedlist>
  25. <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle>
  26. <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle>
  27. <seglistitem>
  28. <seg>&bzip2-fin-sbu;</seg>
  29. <seg>&bzip2-fin-du;</seg>
  30. </seglistitem>
  31. </segmentedlist>
  32. </sect2>
  33. <sect2 role="installation">
  34. <title>Installation of Bzip2</title>
  35. <para>Apply a patch that will install the documentation for this package:</para>
  36. <screen><userinput remap="pre">patch -Np1 -i ../&bzip2-docs-patch;</userinput></screen>
  37. <para>The following command ensures installation of symbolic links are relative:</para>
  38. <screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i 's@\(ln -s -f \)$(PREFIX)/bin/@\1@' Makefile</userinput></screen>
  39. <para>Ensure the man pages are installed into the correct location:</para>
  40. <screen><userinput remap="pre">sed -i "s@(PREFIX)/man@(PREFIX)/share/man@g" Makefile</userinput></screen>
  41. <para>Prepare Bzip2 for compilation with:</para>
  42. <screen><userinput remap="make">make -f Makefile-libbz2_so
  43. make clean</userinput></screen>
  44. <variablelist>
  45. <title>The meaning of the make parameter:</title>
  46. <varlistentry>
  47. <term><parameter>-f Makefile-libbz2_so</parameter></term>
  48. <listitem>
  49. <para>This will cause Bzip2 to be built using a different
  50. <filename>Makefile</filename> file, in this case the
  51. <filename>Makefile-libbz2_so</filename> file, which creates a dynamic
  52. <filename class="libraryfile"></filename> library and links
  53. the Bzip2 utilities against it.</para>
  54. </listitem>
  55. </varlistentry>
  56. </variablelist>
  57. <para>Compile and test the package:</para>
  58. <screen><userinput remap="make">make</userinput></screen>
  59. <para>Install the programs:</para>
  60. <screen><userinput remap="install">make PREFIX=/usr install</userinput></screen>
  61. <para>Install the shared <command>bzip2</command> binary into the
  62. <filename class="directory">/bin</filename> directory, make
  63. some necessary symbolic links, and clean up:</para>
  64. <screen><userinput remap="install">cp -v bzip2-shared /bin/bzip2
  65. cp -av* /lib
  66. ln -sv ../../lib/ /usr/lib/
  67. rm -v /usr/bin/{bunzip2,bzcat,bzip2}
  68. ln -sv bzip2 /bin/bunzip2
  69. ln -sv bzip2 /bin/bzcat</userinput></screen>
  70. <para>Remove an useless static library:</para>
  71. <screen><userinput remap="install">rm -fv /usr/lib/libbz2.a</userinput></screen>
  72. </sect2>
  73. <!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
  74. <!-- Multilib - 32bit -->
  75. <!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
  76. <sect2 arch="ml_32,ml_all" role="installation">
  77. <title>Installation of Bzip2 - 32bit</title>
  78. <para>Clean previous build:</para>
  79. <screen><userinput remap="pre">make clean</userinput></screen>
  80. <para>Compile the package:</para>
  81. <screen><userinput remap="make">sed -e "s/^CC=.*/CC=gcc -m32/" -i Makefile{,-libbz2_so}
  82. make -f Makefile-libbz2_so
  83. make libbz2.a</userinput></screen>
  84. <para>Install the package:</para>
  85. <screen><userinput remap="install">install -Dm755 &usr-lib-m32;/
  86. ln -sf &usr-lib-m32;/
  87. ln -sf &usr-lib-m32;/
  88. ln -sf &usr-lib-m32;/
  89. install -Dm644 libbz2.a &usr-lib-m32;/libbz2.a</userinput></screen>
  90. </sect2><!-- m32 -->
  91. <!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
  92. <!-- Multilib - x32bit -->
  93. <!-- - - - - - - - - - -->
  94. <sect2 arch="ml_x32,ml_all" role="installation">
  95. <title>Installation of Bzip2 - x32bit</title>
  96. <para>Clean previous build:</para>
  97. <screen><userinput remap="pre">make clean</userinput></screen>
  98. <para>Compile the package:</para>
  99. <screen><userinput remap="make">sed -e "s/^CC=.*/CC=gcc -mx32/" -i Makefile{,-libbz2_so}
  100. make -f Makefile-libbz2_so
  101. make libbz2.a</userinput></screen>
  102. <para>Install the package:</para>
  103. <screen><userinput remap="install">install -Dm755 &usr-lib-mx32;/
  104. ln -sf &usr-lib-mx32;/
  105. ln -sf &usr-lib-mx32;/
  106. ln -sf &usr-lib-mx32;/
  107. install -Dm644 libbz2.a &usr-lib-mx32;/libbz2.a</userinput></screen>
  108. </sect2><!-- mx32 -->
  109. <sect2 id="contents-bzip2" role="content">
  110. <title>Contents of Bzip2</title>
  111. <segmentedlist>
  112. <segtitle>Installed programs</segtitle>
  113. <segtitle>Installed libraries</segtitle>
  114. <segtitle>Installed directory</segtitle>
  115. <seglistitem>
  116. <seg>bunzip2 (link to bzip2), bzcat (link to bzip2), bzcmp (link to
  117. bzdiff), bzdiff, bzegrep (link to bzgrep), bzfgrep (link to bzgrep),
  118. bzgrep, bzip2, bzip2recover, bzless (link to bzmore), and bzmore</seg>
  119. <seg></seg>
  120. <seg>/usr/share/doc/bzip2-&bzip2-version;</seg>
  121. </seglistitem>
  122. </segmentedlist>
  123. <variablelist>
  124. <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
  125. <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
  126. <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
  127. <varlistentry id="bunzip2">
  128. <term><command>bunzip2</command></term>
  129. <listitem>
  130. <para>Decompresses bzipped files</para>
  131. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bunzip2">
  132. <primary sortas="b-bunzip2">bunzip2</primary>
  133. </indexterm>
  134. </listitem>
  135. </varlistentry>
  136. <varlistentry id="bzcat">
  137. <term><command>bzcat</command></term>
  138. <listitem>
  139. <para>Decompresses to standard output</para>
  140. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzcat">
  141. <primary sortas="b-bzcat">bzcat</primary>
  142. </indexterm>
  143. </listitem>
  144. </varlistentry>
  145. <varlistentry id="bzcmp">
  146. <term><command>bzcmp</command></term>
  147. <listitem>
  148. <para>Runs <command>cmp</command> on bzipped files</para>
  149. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzcmp">
  150. <primary sortas="b-bzcmp">bzcmp</primary>
  151. </indexterm>
  152. </listitem>
  153. </varlistentry>
  154. <varlistentry id="bzdiff">
  155. <term><command>bzdiff</command></term>
  156. <listitem>
  157. <para>Runs <command>diff</command> on bzipped files</para>
  158. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzdiff">
  159. <primary sortas="b-bzdiff">bzdiff</primary>
  160. </indexterm>
  161. </listitem>
  162. </varlistentry>
  163. <varlistentry id="bzegrep">
  164. <term><command>bzegrep</command></term>
  165. <listitem>
  166. <para>Runs <command>egrep</command> on bzipped files</para>
  167. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzegrep">
  168. <primary sortas="b-bzegrep">bzegrep</primary>
  169. </indexterm>
  170. </listitem>
  171. </varlistentry>
  172. <varlistentry id="bzfgrep">
  173. <term><command>bzfgrep</command></term>
  174. <listitem>
  175. <para>Runs <command>fgrep</command> on bzipped files</para>
  176. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzfgrep">
  177. <primary sortas="b-bzfgrep">bzfgrep</primary>
  178. </indexterm>
  179. </listitem>
  180. </varlistentry>
  181. <varlistentry id="bzgrep">
  182. <term><command>bzgrep</command></term>
  183. <listitem>
  184. <para>Runs <command>grep</command> on bzipped files</para>
  185. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzgrep">
  186. <primary sortas="b-bzgrep">bzgrep</primary>
  187. </indexterm>
  188. </listitem>
  189. </varlistentry>
  190. <varlistentry id="bzip2">
  191. <term><command>bzip2</command></term>
  192. <listitem>
  193. <para>Compresses files using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text
  194. compression algorithm with Huffman coding; the compression rate is
  195. better than that achieved by more conventional compressors using
  196. <quote>Lempel-Ziv</quote> algorithms, like <command>gzip</command></para>
  197. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzip2">
  198. <primary sortas="b-bzip2">bzip2</primary>
  199. </indexterm>
  200. </listitem>
  201. </varlistentry>
  202. <varlistentry id="bzip2recover">
  203. <term><command>bzip2recover</command></term>
  204. <listitem>
  205. <para>Tries to recover data from damaged bzipped files</para>
  206. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzip2recover">
  207. <primary sortas="b-bzip2recover">bzip2recover</primary>
  208. </indexterm>
  209. </listitem>
  210. </varlistentry>
  211. <varlistentry id="bzless">
  212. <term><command>bzless</command></term>
  213. <listitem>
  214. <para>Runs <command>less</command> on bzipped files</para>
  215. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzless">
  216. <primary sortas="b-bzless">bzless</primary>
  217. </indexterm>
  218. </listitem>
  219. </varlistentry>
  220. <varlistentry id="bzmore">
  221. <term><command>bzmore</command></term>
  222. <listitem>
  223. <para>Runs <command>more</command> on bzipped files</para>
  224. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 bzmore">
  225. <primary sortas="b-bzmore">bzmore</primary>
  226. </indexterm>
  227. </listitem>
  228. </varlistentry>
  229. <varlistentry id="libbz2">
  230. <term><filename class="libraryfile">libbz2</filename></term>
  231. <listitem>
  232. <para>The library implementing lossless, block-sorting data
  233. compression, using the Burrows-Wheeler algorithm</para>
  234. <indexterm zone="ch-system-bzip2 libbz2">
  235. <primary sortas="c-libbz2">libbz2</primary>
  236. </indexterm>
  237. </listitem>
  238. </varlistentry>
  239. </variablelist>
  240. </sect2>
  241. </sect1>