gcc-pass2.xml 7.1 KB

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  8. <?dbhtml filename="gcc-pass2.html"?>
  9. <sect1info condition="script">
  10. <productname>gcc-pass2</productname>
  11. <productnumber>&gcc-version;</productnumber>
  12. <address>&gcc-url;</address>
  13. </sect1info>
  14. <title>GCC-&gcc-version; - Pass 2</title>
  15. <indexterm zone="ch-tools-gcc-pass2">
  16. <primary sortas="a-GCC">GCC</primary>
  17. <secondary>tools, pass 2</secondary>
  18. </indexterm>
  19. <sect2 role="package">
  20. <title/>
  21. <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
  22. href="../chapter08/gcc.xml"
  23. xpointer="xpointer(/sect1/sect2[1]/para[1])"/>
  24. <segmentedlist>
  25. <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle>
  26. <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle>
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  28. <seg>&gcc-tmpp2-sbu;</seg>
  29. <seg>&gcc-tmpp2-du;</seg>
  30. </seglistitem>
  31. </segmentedlist>
  32. </sect2>
  33. <sect2 role="installation">
  34. <title>Installation of GCC</title>
  35. <para>As in the first build of GCC, the GMP, MPFR, and MPC packages are
  36. required. Unpack the tarballs and move them into the required directory
  37. names:</para>
  38. <screen><userinput remap="pre">tar -xf ../mpfr-&mpfr-version;.tar.xz
  39. mv -v mpfr-&mpfr-version; mpfr
  40. tar -xf ../gmp-&gmp-version;.tar.xz
  41. mv -v gmp-&gmp-version; gmp
  42. tar -xf ../mpc-&mpc-version;.tar.gz
  43. mv -v mpc-&mpc-version; mpc</userinput>
  44. <userinput remap="pre" arch="ml_32,ml_x32,ml_all">tar -xf ../isl-&isl-version;.tar.xz
  45. mv -v isl-&isl-version; isl</userinput></screen>
  46. <para arch="default">If building on x86_64, change the default directory name for 64-bit
  47. libraries to <quote>lib</quote>:</para>
  48. <screen arch="default"><userinput remap="pre">case $(uname -m) in
  49. x86_64)
  50. sed -e '/m64=/s/lib64/lib/' -i.orig gcc/config/i386/t-linux64
  51. ;;
  52. esac</userinput></screen>
  53. <para arch="ml_32,ml_x32,ml_all">Change the default directory name for
  54. libraries:</para>
  55. <screen arch="ml_32,ml_x32,ml_all"><userinput remap="pre">sed -e '/m64=/s/lib64/lib/' \
  56. -e '/m32=/s/m32=.*/m32=..\&lib-m32;$(call if_multiarch,:i386-linux-gnu)/' \
  57. -i.orig gcc/config/i386/t-linux64</userinput></screen>
  58. <!--
  59. <screen><userinput remap="pre">patch -Np1 -i ../&gcc-cross-patch;</userinput></screen>
  60. -->
  61. <para>Create a separate build directory again:</para>
  62. <screen><userinput remap="pre">mkdir -v build
  63. cd build</userinput></screen>
  64. <para>Create a symlink that allows libgcc to be built with posix threads
  65. support:</para>
  66. <screen><userinput remap="pre">mkdir -pv $LFS_TGT/libgcc
  67. ln -s ../../../libgcc/gthr-posix.h $LFS_TGT/libgcc/gthr-default.h</userinput></screen>
  68. <para>Before starting to build GCC, remember to unset any environment
  69. variables that override the default optimization flags.</para>
  70. <para>Now prepare GCC for compilation:</para>
  71. <screen arch="default"><userinput remap="configure">../configure \
  72. --build=$(../config.guess) \
  73. --host=$LFS_TGT \
  74. --prefix=/usr \
  75. CC_FOR_TARGET=$LFS_TGT-gcc \
  76. --with-build-sysroot=$LFS \
  77. --enable-initfini-array \
  78. --disable-nls \
  79. --disable-multilib \
  80. --disable-decimal-float \
  81. --disable-libatomic \
  82. --disable-libgomp \
  83. --disable-libquadmath \
  84. --disable-libssp \
  85. --disable-libvtv \
  86. --disable-libstdcxx \
  87. --enable-languages=c,c++</userinput></screen>
  88. <screen arch="ml_32,ml_x32,ml_all"><userinput remap="configure"
  89. arch="ml_32">mlist=m64,m32</userinput><userinput remap="configure"
  90. arch="ml_x32">mlist=m64,mx32</userinput><userinput remap="configure"
  91. arch="ml_all">mlist=m64,m32,mx32</userinput>
  92. <userinput remap="configure">../configure \
  93. --build=$(../config.guess) \
  94. --host=$LFS_TGT \
  95. --prefix=/usr \
  96. CC_FOR_TARGET=$LFS_TGT-gcc \
  97. --with-build-sysroot=$LFS \
  98. --enable-initfini-array \
  99. --disable-nls \
  100. --enable-multilib --with-multilib-list=$mlist \
  101. --disable-decimal-float \
  102. --disable-libatomic \
  103. --disable-libgomp \
  104. --disable-libquadmath \
  105. --disable-libssp \
  106. --disable-libvtv \
  107. --disable-libstdcxx \
  108. --enable-languages=c,c++</userinput></screen>
  109. <variablelist>
  110. <title>The meaning of the new configure options:</title><!-- WIP -->
  111. <varlistentry>
  112. <term><parameter>-with-build-sysroot=$LFS</parameter></term>
  113. <listitem>
  114. <para>Normally, using <parameter>--host</parameter> ensures that
  115. a cross-compiler is used for building GCC, and that compiler knows
  116. that it has to look for headers and libraries in <filename
  117. class="directory">$LFS</filename>. But the build system of GCC uses
  118. other tools, which are not aware of this location. This switch is
  119. needed to have them find the needed files in <filename
  120. class="directory">$LFS</filename>, and not on the host.</para>
  121. </listitem>
  122. </varlistentry>
  123. <varlistentry>
  124. <term><parameter>--enable-initfini-array</parameter></term>
  125. <listitem>
  126. <para>This option is automatically enabled when building a native
  127. compiler with a native compiler on x86. But here, we build with
  128. a cross compiler, so we need to explicitly set this option.</para>
  129. </listitem>
  130. </varlistentry>
  131. </variablelist>
  132. <para>Compile the package:</para>
  133. <screen><userinput remap="make">make</userinput></screen>
  134. <para>Install the package:</para>
  135. <screen><userinput remap="install">make DESTDIR=$LFS install</userinput></screen>
  136. <para>As a finishing touch, create a utility symlink. Many programs and scripts
  137. run <command>cc</command> instead of <command>gcc</command>, which is
  138. used to keep programs generic and therefore usable on all kinds of UNIX
  139. systems where the GNU C compiler is not always installed. Running
  140. <command>cc</command> leaves the system administrator free to decide
  141. which C compiler to install:</para>
  142. <screen><userinput remap="install">ln -sv gcc $LFS/usr/bin/cc</userinput></screen>
  143. </sect2>
  144. <sect2 role="content">
  145. <title/>
  146. <para>Details on this package are located in
  147. <xref linkend="contents-gcc" role="."/></para>
  148. </sect2>
  149. </sect1>