general.ent 2.5 KB

  1. <!ENTITY version "SVN-20210218">
  2. <!ENTITY short-version "svn"> <!-- Used below in &blfs-book;
  3. Change to x.y for release but not -rc releases -->
  4. <!ENTITY generic-version "development"> <!-- Use "development" or "x.y[-pre{x}]" -->
  5. <!ENTITY versiond "20210218-systemd">
  6. <!ENTITY short-versiond "systemd">
  7. <!ENTITY generic-versiond "systemd">
  8. <!ENTITY releasedate "February 18th, 2021">
  9. <!ENTITY copyrightdate "1999-2021"><!-- jhalfs needs a literal dash, not &ndash; -->
  10. <!ENTITY lfs-root "">
  11. <!ENTITY blfs-root "&lfs-root;blfs/">
  12. <!ENTITY blfs-book "&blfs-root;view/&short-version;/">
  13. <!ENTITY faq-root "&lfs-root;faq/">
  14. <!ENTITY hints-root "&lfs-root;hints/downloads/files/">
  15. <!ENTITY hints-index "&lfs-root;hints/list.html">
  16. <!ENTITY patches-root "&lfs-root;patches/lfs/&generic-version;/">
  17. <!ENTITY downloads-root "&lfs-root;lfs/downloads/&generic-version;/">
  18. <!ENTITY livecd-root "&lfs-root;livecd/">
  19. <!ENTITY test-results "&lfs-root;lfs/build-logs/&generic-version;/">
  20. <!ENTITY errata "&lfs-root;lfs/errata/&generic-version;/">
  21. <!ENTITY min-kernel "3.2">
  22. <!ENTITY patches-rootd "&lfs-root;patches/lfs/&generic-versiond;/">
  23. <!ENTITY downloads-rootd "&lfs-root;lfs/downloads/&generic-versiond;/">
  24. <!ENTITY test-resultsd "&lfs-root;lfs/build-logs/&generic-versiond;/">
  25. <!ENTITY erratad "&lfs-root;lfs/errata/&generic-versiond;/">
  26. <!ENTITY lfs-ticket-root "">
  27. <!ENTITY anduin-sources "">
  28. <!ENTITY buildtime "Approximate build time">
  29. <!ENTITY diskspace "Required disk space">
  30. <!ENTITY dependencies "Installation depends on">
  31. <!ENTITY testsuites "Test suite depends on">
  32. <!ENTITY before "Must be installed before">
  33. <!ENTITY external "Optional dependencies">
  34. <!ENTITY gnu "">
  35. <!ENTITY gnu-software "">
  36. <!ENTITY alpha-gnu "">
  37. <!ENTITY kernel "">
  38. <!ENTITY sourceforge "">
  39. <!ENTITY savannah "">
  40. <!ENTITY savannah-nongnu "">
  41. <!ENTITY github "">
  42. <!ENTITY % packages-entities SYSTEM "packages.ent">
  43. %packages-entities;
  44. <!ENTITY % patches-entities SYSTEM "patches.ent">
  45. %patches-entities;