introduction.xml 3.2 KB

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  7. <sect1 id="ch-tools-introduction">
  8. <?dbhtml filename="introduction.html"?>
  9. <title>Introduction</title>
  10. <para>This chapter shows how to compile and install a minimal Linux system.
  11. This system will contain just enough tools to start constructing the final
  12. LFS system in <xref linkend="chapter-building-system"/> and allow a working
  13. environment with more user convenience than a minimum environment would.</para>
  14. <para>There are two steps in building this minimal system. The first step
  15. is to build a new and host-independent toolchain (compiler, assembler,
  16. linker, libraries, and a few useful utilities). The second step uses this
  17. toolchain to build the other essential tools.</para>
  18. <para>The files compiled in this chapter will be installed under the
  19. <filename class="directory">$LFS/tools</filename> directory to keep them
  20. separate from the files installed in the next chapter and the host
  21. production directories. Since the packages compiled here are temporary,
  22. we do not want them to pollute the soon-to-be LFS system.</para>
  23. <important>
  24. <para>Before issuing the build instructions for a package, the package
  25. should be unpacked as user <systemitem class="username">lfs</systemitem>,
  26. and a <command>cd</command> into the created directory should be performed.
  27. The build instructions assume that the <command>bash</command> shell is
  28. in use.</para>
  29. </important>
  30. <para>Several of the packages are patched before compilation, but only when
  31. the patch is needed to circumvent a problem. A patch is often needed in both
  32. this and the next chapter, but sometimes in only one or the other. Therefore,
  33. do not be concerned if instructions for a downloaded patch seem to be missing.
  34. Warning messages about <emphasis>offset</emphasis> or <emphasis>fuzz</emphasis>
  35. may also be encountered when applying a patch. Do not worry about these
  36. warnings, as the patch was still successfully applied.</para>
  37. <para>During the compilation of most packages, there will be several warnings
  38. that scroll by on the screen. These are normal and can safely be ignored.
  39. These warnings are as they appear&mdash;warnings about deprecated, but not
  40. invalid, use of the C or C++ syntax. C standards change fairly often, and
  41. some packages still use the older standard. This is not a problem, but does
  42. prompt the warning.</para>
  43. <important>
  44. <para>After installing each package, delete its source and build directories,
  45. unless specifically instructed otherwise. Deleting the sources prevents
  46. mis-configuration when the same package is reinstalled later.</para>
  47. </important>
  48. <para>Check one last time that the <envar>LFS</envar> environment
  49. variable is set up properly:</para>
  50. <screen role="nodump"><userinput>echo $LFS</userinput></screen>
  51. <para>Make sure the output shows the path to the LFS partition's mount
  52. point, which is <filename class="directory">/mnt/lfs</filename>, using
  53. our example.</para>
  54. </sect1>